Audio Rack Selection

Putting together a new system and an upgraded audio rack will be part of the package. Would love to know your thoughts on the issue? Is there a true need to buy upper tier racks?

The rack will need to hold a McIntosh C2600 preamp, 2 monoblocks, power conditioner and a turntable. Flooring in the room is hardwood.

Would love your thoughts and recommendations.


Showing 2 responses by three_easy_payments


Are there any other quality racks out there at better price points?

I think I found myself roughly in your budget space when searching for a decent rack.  I couldn't be happier with the Symposium Acoustics Foundation rack. 

I have my TT placed on the top shelf supported by a carbon fiber BDR Shelf for Source propped up by BDR cones and pads.  The rack is rock solid and performs flawlessly in my room. 

why do people think any custom woodworker can design and produce a high quality audio rack engineered to enhance sonic qualities of your audio gear?  Sure it may look nice and it could end up being heavy but lets be honest, it's just furniture and not an engineered piece of gear.  Just understand what your goals are here.