I had Virgos in a similar sized room...to get the best out of AP speakers in general I think it is wise to follow the AP suggested placement (see the web site)...the listeners and the speakers are on an elipse....with the speakers aimed directly at the listener's head. In your room place along the short wall, the speaker fronts might be 8 ft apart, but the listener would be maybe 7 feet from the line joining the tweeters....in practice this is hard to set up ... I also had a lot of trouble if the speakers were anywhere near the corners. I agree with Bozo...that placement works better, because the speaker is not close to any room boundary....I ended up selling the Virgos because I could not get the furniture and the speakers set up optimally at the same time. They are fantastic speakers (especially at the prices you see on AG these days), but like all speakers, need to be set up properly to bring out their best. But, not their 'best' is still pretty darn good...