Audio Note, Audio Logic, Kora Hermes Dacs ?

I've decided to stay the separates route, so can anyone tell me some of the stronger/weaker points between say, the Audio Note 3.1 (sig)?, Audio Logic 2400, & Kora Hermes ? I'm looking for depth, bloom, weight, dynamics, easeful presentation. I will be considering a CEC TL-1X, or TL-2 for transport. I'm staying with a tubed dac either way, with my balanced Orchid digital cable.

Showing 1 response by sksos1

My very good friend Kwame has used the Audio Logic DAC for several years but has had it upgraded by the Upgrade Co. (no affiliation) and has tried a dozen "audiophiles" DACs and none have come even close to the Audio Logic. I'll see if I can persuade Kwame to chime in for first hand thoughts.