audio mirror dac

How good is this thing? How can I hear one before buying?

Showing 24 responses by clio09


No luck emailing you, kept bouncing back as undeliverable. If you're interested in hearing the DAC email me.
The DAC is exceptional in my opinion. At this price point it easily plays like 3 - 4 x its cost. I chose it over an Audio Note, Shigaraki, Benchmark, Bel Canto, and MSB. It rivaled the Audio Note 2.1x and outdid the rest. The non-os design gives it a very analog flavor. I am a vinyl person by nature and I bought a digital set-up as my turntable is being upgraded by SOTA. I thought this set-up would be temporary but its is sticking around. I have rediscovered CDs. I'm buying a another before he raises the price.

If you live in SoCal you can come by for a listen. Otherwise I would contact Vlad and I'm sure he would give you a home trial for 30 days. These things are flying off the shelf and he can't make them fast enough.

I'll email you to give you more details. I assume your Audiogon name is also your email address.

Which cables are you using? I have the VH Audion Pulsar coaxial IC and VH Flavor 4 PC. I'd be interested to know what is working for you.

I totally agree with your assessment as well. One of my best purchases.

Your observations are interesting. I compared the Audio Mirror D1 directly within my system to the Benchmark DAC 1 and 47 Labs Shigaraki. Indirectly via audition to the Audio Note 2.1x and and Bel Canto 2. One of my concerns about the Audio Mirror was that it would not be warm enough due to the solid state design. Vlad mentioned to me he did not like several of the tube designs he prototyped so he went solid state. I was actually surprised at the amount of warmth the unit produces. Additionally, I find it very analog sounding which is what I was after. In comparison to the Benchmark it was less sterile, yet much more evolving with a bigger soundstage and imaging. The bass is excellent and very accurate.

Versus the Shigaraki I was totally amazed at the D1 performance. I had been leaning towards the Shigaraki and this test left no doubt that dollar for dollar the D1 was the better value. The D1 did more than hold its own, it was actually better in some respects. Nothing against the Shigaraki, but at 4 times the cost it should have blown away the D1. Audio Note is an excellent DAC and I like the sound quite a bit. Warmer than the D1, and better imaging and soundstage. At 5 times the cost this is what I would expect. However, it didn't blow the D1 away, just performed better. The Bel Canto 2 was no contest, the D1 blew it away. The Bel Canto 2 is overated in my opinion.

I disagree on the construction. It's a bit sloppy in my opinion (my unit anyway). The casing screws were popping out of mine and could not be tightened easily due to misalignment of the holes between the casing and the chassis. I ended up re-aligning the holes and replacing the screws. The face plate does't align as well but you have to get right in front of it to notice so I left it alone. I also don't get the thump you mentioned when turning the unit on, mine is quiet.

All in all for $500 this is a wonderful DAC. Worthy of an in home audition. I have only seen one for sale here on Audiogon other than the Audio Mirror ads. Everyone who has come over to audition it has been impressed. I'm considering buying another one.

100 hours or so burn-in, but it will sound pretty good out of the box. Mine is on 300 hours now and is sounding unreal. I am definitely getting another one. Let me know how the pre-amp sounds.

What digital cable and PC are you settling on?

Good comments on your comparisons. Obviously we have to allow for overall system differences when we make our observations. I will say this about the Benchmark, had I gone with an oversampling DAC it would have been my choice. Compared to the Bel Canto and MSB, it was the best performer.

I also have the Signature version and maybe I just got one that was an odd ball. In my effort to rework the alignment I did mark the case with a small scratch, but I have to admit the color is very forgiving and with the cones and coasters it is a sleek and sexy looking unit. I agree with you on the cables. Mine did not come with a Audio Mirror PC or interconnect. I am using VH Audio (see one of my other posts) products which have made this unit more enjoyable. As you said the sound is very musical and I think non-fatiguing. I can listen for hours and not get caught up in analyzing the sound of the unit. I don't ever say, "what if..." with the D1.

I've never heard the Eastern Electric, but have heard positive reviews of it from several sources. If I ever go back to an all-in-one box it will get my consideration.

That is MSRP and perhaps what he may be charging for the DAC eventually. It is certainly worth more than that in my opinion. However, on Audiogon the DAC is $499:
I am using a TRL modified Alesis ML9600. It is actually a CDP, CD-R, and HD storage system used in professional recording (2 channel). It has a lot of mixing and editing features. I use the digital stage only as this is where the mods were done. So for me it is a transport. Base cost is $900, then $550 for the mods. It rivals a lot of units that are much higher priced. The other thing I am using the Alesis for is to transfer music files (WAV or lossless, no compressed garbage) from my computer to the ML9600 HD. In this process I can record in a variety of modes: 16 or 24 bit, then 44.1, 48, 88.2, or 96. Lastly, I can burn CDRs. The mods allow me to burn CDRs that result in much lower BLER than usual for CDs. In fact, I have taken store bought CDs, uploaded them to the ML9600, then re-burned them and they sound much better sonically than the store bought verisons.

I think all you need a decent transport. One that has a stable platform. Before I got the Alesis I looked at a CEC TL51 ($1190 new) and a Northstar ($1500 used), as well as other CDPs like the Jolida JD-100 and Cary 308T that I could use as tube CDPs or digital transports based on my mood. I think you can get by with a decent transport (whether a stand alone or part of a CDP doesn't matter) in the $800 - $1200 (new or used) range and get great results.

You don't want to know what I'm doing next with htis set up.

B18c96specr has the right idea. HD storage and computer based playback are on the way. Have laptop will transport. I will be freeing up about 100 sq. ft. of space once I load every digital music file I have onto the server.

Check out the USB DI/Os at (Vinnie Rossi) and Empirical Audio (Steve Nugent). I prefer to bypass the USB DI/O DACs in favor of the Audio Mirror.

What are you using as an output from your computer HD to the D1? I just bought a Red Wine Audio USB Select based on the M-Transit. I'm having Vinnie modify it so it doesn't have an analog stage or analog outputs. Just the USB and a BNC/RCA digital coaxial cable to feed the DAC or my Alesis ML9600. Also, what type or computer and are you using an external HD or server? Is Foobar good to use as well? Thanks

Try the Flavor 4, I think you'll like it. If not, send it back during the trial period. Chris used his cable cooker to burn mine in so it was ready to go.

Seems RidgeStreet is having a sale, I have the VH Audio Pulsar, but I'd like to try something else.

Good luck.

Thanks, I'll check it out. I just purchased a second D1. My original will go to TRL for mods and I'm going to compare the two. Should be interesting.

Consider talking to TRL about modding your Marantz (check out the SA14 thread here on Audiogon and contact Jes45 who has a modded SA14). Based on what I have read for their standard fee of $550 they could make your Marantz really sing. Perhaps their mods will also improve the digital stage so it makes for a better transport. I am having them modify one of my D1s. Also, I bought a CDP/CDR/HD where they modded the digital stage and I use it as a transport for my D1. The sound is fantastic. This transport replaced a 17k CEC unit in the previous onwers system.

Just a few thoughts...

The TRL mod is a leap of faith in some respects. They do not list their mods as they are somewhat proprietary (they also do not publish schematics for the amps they build). All I can say is my Alesis ML9600 modded by them is an amazing transport for the D1. I do know for instance that they disabled the error correction circuitry and dampened the chassis. Other than that Paul was mum (except to say their work with Intel on a non-audio related project contributed to the mods), but having dealt with him on more than one occasion I know that he is incredibly trustworthy and the TRL house sound is to my liking.

So, with that I'm going to take $550 and send it along with the D1 and see what Paul Weitzel and his team can do with it. I know one thing for sure and that is I'm going to request that the digital input be moved from under the IEC. My Flavor 4 PC pushes down on it. I don't know what Vlad was thinking there, but I'll give him that considering what a bargain this DAC is and the sound it produces.

Then on to comparing the two...

I'll probably start another thread when I get it back. Probably a few months off. I love the sound of the stock unit. However, I'm just curious to see how close Vlad comes to the TRL house sound.
Be advised the price on the website for the DAC is listed at $999.00. It sold on Audiogon for $499.00. Vlad usually runs the ads here pretty frequently.
No familiarity with the RAM mods, but mine was just modded by TRL and I just put it throught the 500 hour burn-in. Details to follow in another thread. Cost is $550 and the DAC is now in a completely different league.
Audphile you're correct. I did try other DACs, including the Bel Canto DAC1 (which lead me to seek out an audition of the DAC2 figuring Bel Canto couldn't make another lemon like the DAC1), in my system and compared them to the Audio Mirror, but after hearing the Bel Canto DAC2 in the show room I knew it wasn't worth my time to hear it in my system. Like the DAC1 it was not to my liking.

Now that I have had my Audio Mirror modded by TRL I don't think there are that many other DACs that can touch it. I have had 3 people come by my house with their equipment to hear for themselves and compare. Each one was amazed and one bought my spare Audio Mirror on the spot.

I imagine you must own a Bel Canto DAC2. If so, you should by a D1 and compare for yourself and report back to us. I'm sure Vlad will give you a trial. If not you will have no problem selling it here. They get snapped up real quick.
Audphile1 - negotiate with him. 5 days is a joke. I personally like Vlad but a marketing genius he is not. I would be interested in your observations, considering you will be comparing the new non-os D2 to an upsampling DAC2.

BTW - I have not heard the D2 and don't know what if any improvement there are in the upgrades.
Audphile - You're not raining on my parade. The similarity is where it begins and ends (I have a Lite DAC and actually took it apart because I am having a custom case made for the Audio Mirror and needed a model to work from). The topic has been beaten to death. You yourself now know how good the Audio Mirror sounds. If after listening to it in your own system you decide it is something you want to keep, but still want to get the very best out of it, then you will want to send it to TRL for their modifications ($550). I'm not knocking RAM, but from what I see they are doing to the DAC they are not addressing areas of improvement that will get the most out of the Audio Mirror. Read my review here on Audiogon and if you have any questions email me.