Audio Kharma website

Do people take this website serious. They have a thread about bacon that has over 1000 posts. One guy was complaining that audio was an expensive hobby but only had 300.00 tied up in his system. They think that audio made during the 70's blows away gear made in 2013. I can't figure out if these people took to much acid back in the day or are people really that stupid.

Showing 10 responses by jmcgrogan2

Taters, you really have a bug up your arse, don't you? I went to Audio Karma several years ago, realized it wasn't for me and left. There is no need to mock or put down other people, that doesn't make you any more of a man.

Name calling....really.....are we still in junior high? Sheesh!!
04-17-13: Taters

I hope you are just kidding!

Taters, read some of his threads....he's not kidding.
04-18-13: Taters
Todays hot AK topics:

1.Hi, my name is Dave and I'm a hoarder.
2.Any good USB dacs for 75.00.

The Jerry Springer of Audio websites!

Taters, seriously dude, you need therapy. Not just a therapy session once or twice a week. No, you my friend, need a team of therapists, studying you, talking about you, thinking about you around the clock, 24/7. (Seinfeld reference)

04-18-13: Taters

Those are actually threads that are on AK right now!

SO WHAT??????

There are plenty of websites that irritate me....I simply avoid them. You need to ask yourself why you feel the compulsion to constantly bang your head against a wall? In a sick way, are you enjoying the aggravation? Maybe you are a masochist?
04-22-13: Phaelon
This thread reminds me of one of those mean girl movies... without the sexy mean girls.

LOL!! The funniest and most poignant post yet!!
04-23-13: Musicpod
I'm perplexed as to why so many posters would spend time exerting so much negative energy towards Audio Karma. Why is this so important that its worth your time to post the negative?

Not so many posters are posting negative energy Musicpod, only 1, the OP. He has 35 of the 74 posts on this thread. Most of the rest of us are just trying to figure out his mental anguish. Misplaced teenage angst perhaps? Mommy didn't love him enough? He does have some serious issues with others having their freedoms. He believes everyone should think like he does. Thank God we don't! Most of us believe in freedom!!!

This thread is a tragic waste of bandwidth, and should be deleted, if the moderators are awake.
Much of life is how you present your point of view. If you shove it down somebody's throat, they'll barf it back up in your face.

Well said Johnvf!! Ye reap what ye sow!!
05-05-13: Taters

Call me whatever you like! At least I'm not dumpster diving for gear or talking about a 6.00 reciever I just bought from the Salvation army.

You are certainly correct there Spuds. You come off as more of a pompous a$$, which is far more superior to a dumpster diver. LOL!!