Audio Horizons TP 2.0 Preamplifier

Anyone famaliar with the manufacturer,and in particular
this pre amp.The credentials and testimonials seem
impressive.The advertised 10 day audition is appealing.
Well, Grant, I can't. They are new to me in that I haven't heard them all together. The units themselves are all broken in( including cables) with the exception of the preamp,which is brand new. So I can't say that the preamp sounds good in and of itself and I don't have another preamp to pop in and do a comparison to eliminate preamps, but the overall sound is much better than I previously had( which by the way consisted of a Stratos Extreme amp). It's probably a sum of its parts thing. All I know is that at this point, whatever the 2.0n preamp is contributing, it's certainly making some very nice sounding music. Thanks for pointing that out, Grant, with all due respect.
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I would like to give a brief initial impression of the Audio Horizons TP 2.0n preamp. I have the "n" upgrade, which is $250.00. This includes the better, larger Hovland caps and some further quieting in the power supply. I just got my amps in yesterday, so I was only able to hook up the preamp this morning, in fact, just an hour ago, so the preamp and rest of the system haven't even broken in. It takes at least 60 hours for the preamp to fully break-in. The overall sound at this initial juncture, is very good. My system sounds very musical with a pure and clean presentation. I am very impressed with just this initial listening. My next update will be sometime next week after full break in. My entire system is brand new to to me. It currently consists of:

Amp: VAC Auricle Mono Musicblocs
Preamp: Audio Horizons TP 2.0n
Speaker: Reference 3A Dulcet mini-monitors w/ Sound Anchor stands
Speaker cables: PS Audio Extreme Reference(newest version)
Interconnects: Von Gaylord Chinchilla and Legend VI
Power cords: Mix of Electraglide and Audio Horizon
I've answered your first question privately. The rest of my system includes:
Coincident Tech Super Eclipse III loudspeakers
VTL Signature MB 185 monoblock amps
Audio Horizons TP 3.0 tube DAC
Levinson #37 transport (extensive upgrades by Joseph Chow)
VPI Aries II turntable
K&K Audio phono preamp
power cords & interconnects by Audio Horizons
A few more days pass, the TP 2.0 settles further into my system, with fully developed harmonics, solid imaging and an open, holographic depth of stage you can see into, extending to the back wall.

It has a tube sound and liquid texture to the overtones, very addictive.

All I could ask for in a simple, one-box solution, I'm a happy camper as y'all can tell by now.

Late night listening is a real gas.
Cedar & Gamecock,
What other preamps have you compared it to?

Cedar, what else is in your system? Thx,
Your comments about the Audio Horizons TP 2.0 certainly correspond to my experience of it. Joseph Chow does so many things so well that I am a little reluctant to say so. Audiogoners may think I am exaggerating or profiting from my remarks, neither of which is true. But I cannot resist inviting audiophiles to find out for themselves by using the trial program. I think those who try the preamp, the tube DAC, and the cables made by Audio Horizons will very much want to keep them. I did.
The TP 2.0 is destined to become a classic preamp.
I never in my life thought it could sound this amazing.
As far as cabling goes, well, I'm pretty cabled up for now with Shunyata power and Cardas cables.
I'm very content with the provided Siemens that came with my unit.
For my system, they strike the perfect balance between detail and warmth.
You're gonna love this preamp.
I have read that the Counterpoint SA-5000A was considered one of the best when introduced, Very expensive as well. Peter Moncrieff of IAR praised it very highly. The TP-2.0 must be pretty special. I can't wait to get mine. I've already ordered some NOS Siemens E188CC tubes to pop in it for even better sonics. Happy Listening. By the way, have you tried any of Joseph's cables? I just got in a few days ago his Premium power cord and I have to be honest, it's pretty amazing.
I received my TP 2.0 preamp a little over a week ago.
All I can say is, it has no right to sound this good, esp. at the ridiculous low price !
You owe it to yourself for the 30 day audition, what's to lose ?
(the only thing I lost was my current reference preamp)
It continues to impress me with its realism, stark contrasts, natural warmth and sheer quietness.
Each day more magic eminates from my speakers since the TP 2.0 was inserted into the chain.
These are initial impressions after a week, it's getting better as it continues break-in and settles into my system.
I'll post a mini review later down the road.
Joseph Chow is the most honest, friendly gentleman I had the pleasure meeting.
His design is genius, I'm still scratching my head trying to figure out how the heck he did it.
The TP 2.0 is a winner in my book, it stays on the rack shelf.
I just ordered the TP 2.0n preampifier( with the upgraded Hovland caps) and should receive it in a few days. I also ordered the new VAC Auricle Musicblocs to drive my Dulcet speakers. I'll keep you posted on its performance. Thanks for all your personal feedback on your systems gentlemen.I would also like to mention that Victor has been unbelievable in answering some of my questions. Very prompt responses with incredibly detailed and lengthy replies. I am very impressed with Victor's professionalism and the time and consideration he has given me.
No one was more amazed than myself at the performance of the TP 2.0. The noise floor was much lower, channel separation better, soundstage wider and deeper, bass punchier than my previous preamp. There was a humanity to the music that few other components in my experience can achieve. In fact, the measured specs rival those of many high-end solid state preamps. Truly remarkable since the 2.0 employs vacuum tubes. As to the tubes, I had purchased several matched pairs of NOS Siemens E188CC gold pins several years ago to use in my previous preamp. I am using them in the 2.0. I also have the EH 6922's that come with the preamp, and really they are pretty good. I'm not sure I would ever again spend the exhorbitant amount some of these NOS tubes are commanding these days. As to power cords, I am using Joseph's Transparency cords exclusively in my system. They replaced some very highly regarded power cords. Please e-mail me privately and I'll identify which ones. For the record, I am merely an enthusiatic fan of Joseph and his products. I try to promote his efforts whenever I can, but receive no compensation whatsoever other than a hearty "thank you". I am constantly amazed at the level of performance he achieves at relatively modest prices, and he and Victor are completely straightforward people to deal with. Anyone interested in the Audio Horizons products should not hesitate to take advantage of the 30 day money-back return policy.
Happy Listening!
Joseph's new amps sound appealing. If and when you buy them, a brief review would be appreciated. In the meantime, I am interested in his TP 2.0 preamp. It is difficult to understand how this less than $2000.00 preamp can blow away a $16,000.00 preamp like the First Sound; that's a $14,000.00 price difference. I had a brief e-mail communication with Victor, Joseph's translator and marketing man, and Victor told me that the TP 2.0 comes with stock Electro Harmonix 6922's and highly recommended upgrading them myself should I decide to keep the preamp with some good NOS 6922 like Siemens E88CC. Gamecock, have you upgraded the 6922 tubes in your preamp? I'm curious what power cord you use on it as well since Victor was pushing Joseph's on me to buy along with the preamp. Thanks for the input. I hate to bother you as I can try the preamp on my own with the knowledge that they offer a 30 day money-back return policy, which is kind of rare in today's market.
Hello Sherod, I am currently using the TP 2.0 with Pass Labs XA-160 monoblocks to drive a pair of Alon Phalanx loudspeakers. To let you know, Joseph is currently working on vacuum tube monoblocks to mate with the 2.0. They should be available later this year, and I plan on buying a pair.
Happy Listening!
Hi Gamecock. I'm curious what amplifier and speakers you are using with the TP 2.0 preamp? I am considering strongly Mr. Chow's preamp and I'm then going to buy a tube amp to match it for driving my Reference 3A Dulcet mini-monitors. Thanks, Sherod
My relationship with Joseph Chow began when he resurrected a Kenwood L-01T from the dead. Like Sherod, I was stunned at the improvement his repair and upgrade wrung out of that tuner. Joseph is an expert on circuit design and signal transfer, his forte being able to dramatically reduce the noise floor, and this is reflected in all of his products. He recently upgraded an Esoteric UX-1 for me, and again I am amazed at the sonic improvement he achieved while at the same time preserving all of its functions, including multichannel capability. This in a unit that retails for $13,000! To me, this may be his singular greatest achievement thus far. I cannot recommend Joseph and Audio Horizons highly enough. His products (and upgrades) are truly state of the art, all at what I consider to be very modest prices. Do yourself a favor and check him out. With his free home audition program, you really have nothing to lose. Happy Listening.
I can't vouch for Joseph's new product line(although I'm considering his TP 2.0), but Mr. Chow recently turned my sow's ear 1972 Citation 14 tuner into a remarkable silk purse. I am in awe of how transformed musically this tuner has become. It is truly world class now. This man, Joseph Chow, works magic on tuners. I'm a very happy camper.
I own a TP 2.0B. It is a superb preamp. Joseph Chow, the owner of Audio Horizons, offers a number of upgrades. If you have a balanced system, I suggest you audition a unit with upgraded transformers. Like Gamecock, I replaced a more costly preamp with the TP 2.0B. The Audio Horizons preamp was far superior. I've had a number of transactions (upgrades, etc.) with Joseph. He is entirely reliable and shows a remarkable insight into audio systems.
His Transparency IC,power and speaker cables are the best I have ever owned. He modded a Tandberg tuner and it sounded better my $6800 CD player. Yes, his stuff is first rate.

Joseph Chow is a truly gifted engineer, as is reflected in the quality of his products. I own the TP 2.0. It replaced a $16,000 preamp of great reputation, but in my system the TP 2.0 simply outperformed it. Don't let the modest price lend you to believe it is not a high end preamp. It is! Why not take advantage of the audition priviledge and see for yourself. Like many others, you might be most pleasantly surpised. Happy Listening.