Audio Desk Record Cleaner-Anyone buy one yet

I may never get to own one of these due to the price, but if I could I would say that it may the best upgrade to any analog system. I had the opportunity recently to have a couple of records cleaned on one. The two Lp's I had cleaned are one of many copies I have purchased thru the years in search of a good clean copy. The title is the 2 disk set "Renaissance Live at Carnegie Hall". I took one of my copies over in hopes that I would get back that sought after clean copy. However I will preface my comments about the Audio Desk with the cold hard fact that once a record reaches a level of surface noise and contamination, nothing can make it new again. However once the Audio Desk completed it's 8 minute process, the improvements were immediately evident. First thing to take notice of, absolutely the cleanest and shiniest black vinyl I think I have ever seen. The LP's looked better than new under light. But the real test is listening. As I have listened to the title many many times from my first copy back in the 70's and never on LP, CD or Imported CD have I heard the detail of the recording. On disk #1 the cleanest of the two the LP was much cleaner than I have been able to obtain on my VPI 16.5 using Walker 4 Step, Mobile Fidelity Enzime, L'Art Du son, and various other solutions. My guess is the Audio Desk cleaned an additional 50-70% of the surface noise from the album. The depth of information in the Annie Haslam's Vocals, the clarity of the Bass that I had written off as muddled recording failure was now revealing the individual notes each taking their own space in the music field. The orchestra was fully present and not crowded together as before. Now on to disk 2, the disappointment of permanantly damaged grooves was inescapable. However the music that came thru had much more information to re-write the recall of this recording burned in my memory from previous listening sessions. On Scherazade with the verbal introduction to the song, I heard instruments and voices in nthe back ground that I had never noticed before. Little plucks of strings and puffs on brass as the orchestra was making sure they were ready to perform. I will say that an additional cleaning of 20-30 percent of this album was still obvious but to my disappointment, the Audio Desk is not a miracle worker, but a pretty damn good magician. I think 3800.00 is a lot of money for just about anything these days, but is it worth the 3800.00? Yes if you value and love your record collection. I have an LP12 with many upgrades and Lyra Kleos Cartridge. This record cleaner is just 800.00 more than the cartridge and when I put the two in perspective they both can bring a much higher level of performance to your turntable. Unfortunatly you need both and I sadley can only afford one. The financial curse of audiophilia continues....

Showing 10 responses by gpgr4blu

I was assured that problems that existed in the first few years of production have been resolved. Of course, only time will tell.
I purchased the AudioDesk Systeme RCM a few weeks ago after seeing it demonstrated at the NY Audio Show and can say so far that it is a joy to use. Quick and efficient. The vinyl does appear to come out cleaner than on my VPI 17F. Also, I can clean 2 to 3 records on AudioDesk Systeme in the time it takes me to clean 1 with the VPI.
Have not had any problems with thin or thick (200g) albums. So far, very happy with the purchase .
Hi Paul:
Still happy. After 6 months and 300 clean records. I would happily purchase again.
For those of you who think that a purchase of the AD cleaner at its lofty price might be a compromise of sacrificing the best cleaner for the convenience of a good cleaner, I must say that I used to use a 4 step process with my VPI 17f including the use of Premier spray, MoFi enzymatic liquid with a 3 minute soak and then scrubbing and then 2 rinses with reagent grade water again with scrubbing on each application PER SIDE---a minimum of 20 minutes per record. Now I use the AD cleaner with a gallon of distilled water, drop the record in and come back 6 minutes later to a cleaner record than under my prior regimen. I'll do 20 a sitting instead of my old 6. To me, it's better and faster. The doubters who are concerned that the fan process to dry in the AD rather than a vacuum process might leave residue,( I cannot tell without a microscope) keep a VPI or other such item handy and do one water rinse per side for one minute each. End of story. Color me very happy with a much smaller stack of vinyl yet to clean.
Very interesting. Haven't come across that issue yet, but surely will someday. Cling wrap sounds like a good solution.
A top notch rcm with appropriate fluids and care should not add more tics, pops or glaze on a cleaned record. It would seem that a subsequent cleaning with the same or, preferably, a different machine with different fluids will, if done properly, cause no harm---and probably help to clean a record a little better. I am still very happy with the Audio Desk rcm and I am cleaning many more records than I did with my VPI 17F which, btw, I think is a fine machine. As for my search for the ultimate record cleaning machine---I'm done.

PS- With thin records, there will sometimes be a few drops of water/ fluid left on the record which cann be blown out with compressed air. I believe this can be easily remedied with slightly bigger squeegee flaps which the manufacturer could easily supply. They slide in a space at the top of the rcm. Thus you could have more squeegee space for thick records and less for thin records.
George a
I have had this issue 3 times out of 60 + cleanings. I hope readers of this post do not think that my enthusiasm is at all diminished. I still believe the best solution is changeable wipers which is not structural. Of course, the liquid only appears on one side, never both---so compressed air or 1 quick rinse or dry or both on a VPI for those rare occasions is the answer for now.
Still in love.
I'm very happy with Audiodesk.
I've also seen the Kl Audio which appears to be a well made machine as well with one nice little extra element of convenience that I can see (if I recollect correctly)---the ability to dry only. On the other hand, M. Fremer reviewed the Kl Audio on his website (Analog Planet) and, although he liked it, he appeared to like the Audiodesk, which he owns, a bit more.
Another difference is that Audio Desk uses a cleaning agent of its own and distilled water while Kl Audio uses strictly distilled water. I personally like the logic of a cleaning agent with ultrasonic activity in the grooves, but I have done no head to head comparison.
Good luck.
Hi Matt:
Most of the time the record is dry enough to put back in the sleeve. On those occasions where there are a few drops on the record, I use pressed air or a microfiber cloth (like the kind used to clean eyeglasses) to remove them. Doesn't happen that much.
I tend to clean about 20 records a month as well. Before my next cleaning episode, I'll just add distilled water to the mix to make sure the record gets fully immersed (advice of the importer)--the amount to be added is learned over a few tries--when you use too much, water will be spit out of the fan air vents in the drying phase. No harm though.
After 3 months, I usually change the water even though I've only cleaned 60 or so records. Just because I want a fresh solution. Can't say I would be able to detect a difference if I didn't. Others empty the solution in an airtight container for storage and then pour it back into the RCM prior to use. I assume they might be able to go the full 100.
The Audio Desk is a big investment. But if you value your collection, you will be happy with it.