Audio Connection/Johnny Rutan

Hello all, I just wanted to say a few words about my experience with Mr. Rutan over the weekend. I have read numerous threads on how helpful he is and what a nice guy he is. I want to take this opportunity to confirm everything is TRUE to the highest order. I spent most of Saturday afternoon on the phone with Mr. Rutan with him helping me trouble shoot a problem with an Aesthetix pre-amp I purchased used from an individual, he had no stake in the deal. He very patiently walked me many scenarios to find the problem, which he did. I would have never figured it out on my own and am deeply grateful for his help and guidance. He is without a doubt one of the best in the biz. Sincerely Allen Sill  Wichita, Kansas.


Showing 4 responses by gdnrbob

@bigkidz ,
Tomic is on the other side of the country.
@tomic601 .
Glad to hear you got it done.
@audioconnection ,
It's too bad Ikea stopped making their old CD storage unit. It had a drawer that tilted out. I have a back room full of CD's and it looks pretty cool.
You'll see it when I get the Sub 3's. If I can get some energy, I'll post a pic.
I use those Gnedby cabinets, as well in my living room. They had a different name when I bought them. And, they came in black.