Audio cables ,and power cords the most forgotton- part of an Audio system.

I have been in Audio for over 35 years and owned and operated a  Audio store as well as buy just from the A list ,which does not guarantee system synergy.
I have tried   inexpensive cables like blue jeans  that is fine for a entry level system. 
If you have electronics $5k and up and 5 figure Loudspeakers then to get ultimate resolution 
You have to spend some money's on last cables 2pr interconnects  and a pr of 6ft Speaker cables 
I had, Silnotes, Analysis plus  even more expensive Synergistic research.  Decent but not the realism I was after.
To get to that last5-  10% + in fine detail and resolution you have to spend. I was stubborn but really 25% for example.Of your total cost is not that much. When you see just how much refinement and fidelity 
You may be missing .My brother brought over his Verastarr power cord over to try on my digital 
Which is most sensitive,  I had a $600 Kimber power cord, his grand illusion cord made the music so much more real,there are other very good cables but these are one of the best I have ever heard without breaking the bank. . Is that worth over $1k ?  I did the same with interconnects and speaker cables 
I spent $6k  and still have s few power cords to go. One thing my system as a whole is a minimum of 10% better. And  a you are there on any decent recording.   Fine tuning with Duelund capacitors
Bypass and coupling caps are next and final step in tweaking the system and a bit over priced. and these may be equal to or better  in added tonal balance and depth. 
This just proves having the best speakers or electronics is only half the battle.
You are only as strong as your weakest link .

Showing 16 responses by audioman58

I havd had the Duelund cables pretty decent but not in the same league .I have done direct testing several others arrested to .The best measuring tool is your ears .I have had many variations .
If you choose to not try other cables for whatever read on 
That's on you . Many times people knock what they don't understand or out of added expense. .I have forgotten more then most if you will ever knowmsnd uour snide immature remarks.That is all I will say on this matter !!
Jafant thanks for sharing that , some people feel minimal spending on cables 
is all that is needed ,any more monies a waste,not true  ,but I cannot advocate 
a $15k pair of 6 ft Speaker cables either my limits are  $1500 per cable 
capacitors are another taboo thing many donot understand I have spent 20years 
comparing and documenting runin Times ,combinations and the elimination 
of all Electrolytic caps in a Loudspeakers Xover ,to this day some companies still 
do . Duelund capacitors Top cast,and Hybrid are without peer. Very expensive that is why 10% Duelund with a qualifying matching brand Clarity,or Mundorf  a good example .the New Duelund Jam caps are a tremendous cap and bargain for a Duelund Cap built   Like a cast except for paper housing which is better.
enough of my testing .many ways to improve your system .i am always available 
to help others if they ask. Tip of the day ,buy 99% isopropyl alcohol to clean all 
contats including tube pins AC connectors and everything else, Buy Stabilant 22
it is by far the best contact enhancer  use on everything a thin coat and lasts for over 10 years . NASA has been using this for over a decade .my tubes sounds better for sure as well as whole system. Go to Stabilant website and read the masses of applications and clients. Happy listening !!
Thanks fellow Audiophiles at least I know there are some of us  that are willing to take the chance into the unknown and risk sometimes a lot to get close to what we  would call Audio  Heaven !!
To be totally honest I am far better building an Audio system them grammar, my opologies.
Crimp connectors like the Furutech 24k Gold over Phosphor bronze is night and day better then solder ,lead is not too good 
of a conductor. My speakers  have Goldplated Copper Mundorf screw terminal Xover board. If you use bare Copper buy the Stabilant-22  it not only enhances the conductivity,but prevents 
oxidation for  a minimum of over 12 years if not disturbed.
go to the Stabilant site. if NASA uses it it is superior.
Hello You are correct in part . I have had several cables from other Audiophiles brought over and  my current cable was superior in musicality . My system  has so much better components then most $$ 
megabuck units . I owned a  Audiostore in Europe and found out long ago 
most of your name brands give average parts quality and a pretty face .
inside the capacitors are most certainly lacking even more so with most Loudspeakers for example ,wiring,resistors I have 0 crystal copper wired throughout my system 
the Verastarr speaker cable even built the wire harness for my open baffle speakers. I just spent $500 just to flavor my speakers a bit more and it was not 
Duelund way over priced and many feel that  my combinations just bring more realism  or flavor to the table. I have well over 10,000 hours just in voicing capacitors
sometimes Audio is way too compulsive . I have spent days  trying to find fault then just listen . I  have saved $1000s in what a reference big name company would charge with as good or better results just implementing the correct 
boutique parts, p.s I have had people say all capacitors sound similar .
or a power cord should all sound similar .many engineers have Tin ears I have found out. Some capacitors take weeks to fully settle in an engineer says 24 hours .
a perfect example a Vacuum Tube does not measure that great 
compared to a solid state devise . But can sound dam good .everything has 
a value somewhere. Happy Listening.😎🎶
Bac 2 vinyl get with the program.
The electricity coming in is  one thing you have magnetic fields and RF noise.on a 
Untreated wire. If a factory is near house can be picked up.
Dedicated cables work to better the signal, the aftermarket cables for one a 6-9 
Pure Copper cable ,with RF shield is many times a more clean signal  and is in fact the start of your signal path from vomponent to line conditioner .  If you think a stock $10 beldon power cord 
Brings you the same Audible benefits, then every Audiophile in the world 
Is deaf-  what you failed to mention was  what power cord do you use ?
How about interconnects ,Loudspeaker cable . For you to make a blank statement 
Is pure ignorance . I owned a Audio store for over 8 years , and I have proven on Many instances the merit of spending at least 20% of your system on cables.
Currently I have moved up to Verastarr Audio cables .which in fact several 
Reviewers personally own and they were not free of charge. Far from it.
Proper cable design geometry is not black magic ,more Science . 
Myself use a 20% rule for Myself ,Is that wrong ?
These are only guide lines .I knows people who gave spent $35k on cables 
$15k on power cords alone. The Verastarr Silver alloy foils are = to a awg9 gauge
And every piece of gear just sounded music more resolved and natural noise floor included much lower. Are they worth $3k each ? If you can afford then why not 
When the rest of your system is top of the line. It is all relative  to what you have ,
Can afford ,and willing to spend . I remrmbrr Kimbers Black Pearls.
6ft Loudspeaker cable statement. -  $$ 15,000 and several were sold.
The sky is the limit in Audio.

Yes mainly direct sales , and if buying, especially more then one item 
Very hood deals can be done, and he offers a solid 30 day money back 
Satisfaction guarantee. I sent back one time a umbilical cord for my dacs external power supply .not to be undone he bought a oyside barrrl connectors and Double Copper foil leads ,shielded .Much better. Just to not be undone he takes great pride in musicality, even in power cords.

That makes no sense whatso ever. I guarantee one of my Verastarr power cords 
Would add considerably to the fidelity. I have owned a Audio store and 
Seen all the B.S. that they provide.the stock power cord is not even that good.
Any quality aftermarket cord would add more fidelity.
What gauge is the wire for starters ?  How many wpc is your amplifier ?
Is it a integrated,receiver ?  
One thing j do know, and better then half the people do not. 
Having been directly involved in modding my equipment.and owning a Audio store I speak from facts. Less then 25% of the cost actually goes into the cost of mtg,
Everything else is overhead and at least 45% dealer markup. Meaning the internal parts are at best average ,until you start spending over $10k it is just a fact if life 
In electronics thst is why Modwrigh t Audio,red wine and others have been so successfully better parts quality in key locations .I have 20 years of this my whole system us built with synergy ,not $$ in mind ,thst being said 
Quality capacitors,resistors, all cost$$ a that too goes for wiring ,controls , 
Marana is not what Marantz once was .hand built Vacuum tube made in USA.
Even they have several 3-4 price quality groupings  like Copper chassis these bits and more are in the $$4k and up grouping. You get what you pay for ,usually.
Toe tap audio  why don't you say how much the Sablon  power cord was $$
That would give others an idea of how cost effective it would be  for them.
Toe tap audio,  Sablon are a very respectable  cable and were mentioned in 6moons online Magazine in 2015  the Verastarr grand illusion cables review,
Not quite as complete as the Verastarr cable, but still very good.
That is saying alot .
Good point edev- i have been using corner Bass busters  ,and 2x4 ft absorption 
Panels,and first reflection ,even overhead before your seating area for reflections 
With carpeting not so much hardwood ,for sure. Today's panels some even have artwork on them  under equipment I so acoustics , good Med price Still points $$
A bit pricy I use Herbies a lot .for Vacuum tubes essential, and his tall footers 
And vibration pucks.  These all add up and keep cables separated and off the carpet. Or floor.  Treating your cables the Best out there which Bass uses
Stabilant ,Stabilant-22  is cut with alcohol for tight areas, apply a 12year + 
Effectiveness if you are not touching .first clean with 99% isopropyl alcohol 
All connectors male,and female including power cords ,and ice inlets high quality 
Foam applicators Craig I like best big and small for tube pins the Stabilant 
Enhances all electrical conductivity,and protects, go to their sure Many awards .
The latest Cables and power products ,and very cost effective 
High Fidelity cables ,which used patented magnetic technologies ,even their entry level products produce very audible improvement .i rarely buy any new product without spending many hours first . My friend bought some and I know his system well ,the  AC plugin line conditioners are excellent ,True theirrca adapters just to sample in your rca sourse cable  or their cost effective .05 AC 
all under $500 the .05 under $200 and cumulative . Every piece of Audio you own 
has magnetic fields . Hifidelity cables patented technologies takes  these electrical fields and focus them dramatically lowering the noise floor.