Audience Versus Running Springs Power Conditioners

Would anyone care to comment re: their take on the sonic difference they have experienced with the above products--pros, cons, overall impression-

I have both the RSA Jaco and the Audience AR6Ts. The Audience has only been in the system for 4 days and is still burning in. The Jaco is not better than the wall outlet for my amp, the Audience seems better suited to plug a power amp directly into. I currently have both in the rack. The Audience has a wifi extender, music server, DAC, turn table, preamp, and power amp plugged into it. The Jaco has my cable box and tv. I will switch things up in a week or so and report back.
I had the aR2p. It injects dynamics, but I felt it definitely colored the sound.

I currently use a Haley, but I can't comment on it alone. I use it with a Vertex AQ Jaya filter and Maestro outlet. The take home lesson for me was that a line conditioner also needs an RFI filter (Vertex) and a good outlet (Maestro).
I've used four conditioners in my system, Torus CS-15, Audience Ar6 TS, Shuntaya Hydra Alpha and now a RSA Jaco. The Jaco works much better in my system and is quieter with a nice improvement in high frequency extension and clarity I haven't heard in my system. I was considering upgrading my speakers but with just 300 hours on my unit and the improvement I'm hearing, upgrade may be a thing of the past...

I'm using a Maestro outlet
Agree about Furutech GTC-D, one of the best outlets out there, they provider real audible improvement over others including maestro, porter port and oyaide R1.

Denon1, I'd be very interested in more info regarding this impression. I tested the Maestro, Synergistic Tesla SE, Oyaide R1, and Hubbel 5632 (can't remember if this is the exact model), and selected the Maestro for both my source gear and power amp outlets.
Agree about Furutech GTC-D, one of the best outlets out there, they provider real audible improvement over others including maestro, porter port and oyaide R1.
IMO,the degree of improvement you'll get from any PLC will depend on the quality of the AC coming out your wall outlets. The better your AC, the less improvement you'll hear.

First thing I'd recommend is replacing your current
outlets with Furutech GTX-Ds. Depending on the type and condition of your current outlets, these receptacles can made a big improvement in the sound of your system.
I use both - an Audience aR2p-TO for my amp and a Haley for my source gear. I have no cons for either - they are both excellent devices. If someone put me up against the wall I *might* say the Audience provides a bit more of a sense of depth in the soundstage, but both provide a quieter, lower noise floor with no added "character" of their own. I wouldn't give up either one. YMMV.
You can check out my review of the Audience arTS condition and two of its power cables... and also look at the review of the Synergistic Research for comparison.. comments, please...

The Audience review is here...

And the Synergistic is here...