Attn Vinyl lovers - what CD Player do you use?

While reading through the many threads on Vinyl vs. CD, I thought it might be interesting to see what CD transports/players Vinyl fans use when not listening to their analog rig?
A Shanling SCD-T200 modified by Underwoodhifi. Sound is remarkable. I have a Acoustic Signiture Final Tool with a Graham 2.2 and Ortofon Kont with top of the line Kimber cables. Is it as good as Vinyl? No. But I can sure live with this player. It helps bridge the gap between Vinyl and Digital. Use Bedini Clarifier, SST silver treatment and PS Audio Statement powercord and Herbie's cd mat. Mike
Wadia 302 with MIT cables, audio research vs55, marsh p2000t, and proac future .5. It's very revealing and I never tire of listening to it, but viny (rega 25, benz ace, ar ph5) still blows it away.

Why not use your Sony XA777ES as a transport for your ack dack? It's a great transport, or is the Toshiba better?

I use an TRL modded Alesis ML9600 as my transport and an Audio Mirror D1 DAC. Very analog. I get my turntable back from SOTA today fresh with an upgrade from Star to Nova status and I can honestly say I'm not as excited as I thought I would be. This digital set up has made that much of a difference to me.