Attention all Legacy Whisper owners ??

Hello there,
Have any of you took a real good look inside of the midsection of the speaker where the crossovers are? If not, I found something pretty interesting. The passive woofer is actually a complete woofer...magnet,binding posts,vented pole,and it is shielded.It also has a 20ohm resistor soldered between the +/- on the woofer itself. If anyone has noticed this has any one thought of powering this woofer. And using it as a LFE? or a transiton driver kind of like the flagship speaker Helix? After all it is in its own sealed structure. Both the tweeter and mid. are sealed backs and the four mid/woof's are sealed by PVC. I plan on doing some experimenting..I will see what happens, Matt.

Showing 2 responses by douglas_schroeder

You might want to talk with Bill Dudleston at Legacy before you do that. You may want to ensure that what you do to it is reversible. I reviewed the Focus HD on, and have not as much experience with the Whisper, but I can tell you two things, I believe, with certainty:

1. Bill D. thinks things through; it's unlikely that you've discovered a "weakness" or big potential payoff with the speaker that he was unaware of. It's much more likely you will screw up the speaker. (No offense to you)

2. Not having conducted tests on the cabinet in question, I have no way of knowing with certainty (Bill could verify), but it strikes me as a major mistake to think that the cabinet you see on the midsection of the Whisper is suitable for use as a "subwoofer". I have my doubts to whether its walls are dense/thick enough for that purpose. I believe the original purpose of this driver is a partial low frequ. wave cancellation device to ameliorate reflected waves off the headwall from the open baffle 15" foreward firing woofers. To turn it into a subwoofer would likely compound the issue that the driver is addressing!

It seems fairly obvious to me that with a depth of what, one foot or so, and an extremely limited volume to the cabinet, that the driver is not meant to be a subwoofer. When a speaker has four 15" drivers would it not suggest that one rear firing driver is not going to greatly contribute to the proper sonic presentation? In addition, if I recall this driver from memory, it is not as suitable for subwoofer use as you may think. The front firing drivers I believe have been designed to reach those frequencies stress-free, but I'm not sure this driver was intended for that use (I am thinking also of the cone material here, which may be far too flexible in that particular driver). I feel you would simply be adding distortion to the sound. So, make your changes reversible. :)

I think you might be very disappointed with the resultant sound if you simply try to crank on that driver with low frequencies. But, hey, it's your speaker! ;) Either way, it would be interesting to see what you do with it. It seems you are trying to get the performance of the $40k+ speaker from the $12k speaker. Not gonna happen for very good physical reasons.

I'll hand you this; it's the kind of thinking I would have if I were into DIY or modding. I'd be right there with you asking the same questions. But, I see realistic physical drawbacks. I think the result would be deleterious to the sound, as simply adding more "presence" to low end does not much to assure quality low end. You're likely to be quite taken by the extra emphasis in the lower region but in reality the sound would likely be more distorted in an absolute sense.

Sthomas, very impressive to have conducted so many direct comparisons between speakers. What is your system like, specifically amplification, but also source, cables, etc. if you don't mind sharing. I'd be curious to know what amps you use with the Focus, and which you feel were among the best.

The Monarchy Audio SM-70 Pro is a very affordable mono block design which is quite nice with the Focus HD. It's incredible how far along toward very high end sound one can move today with the affordable equipment options available from many manufacturers.

You might want to hear the Focus HD version, as Bill Dudleston has done a complete redesign; I enjoy the planar mid and neo-ribbon tweeter which gives the speaker elements of a planar presentation, yet with the authority of a dynamic speaker in the low end. I would think that many more companies would be trying to move in this direction than are currently. I can imagine it to be difficult to integrate these drivers, but when it's done well it's quite nice.

Regarding specs, the HD version is listed as 16Hz - 25kHz. I am not sure if this is +/- 3dB or not. Bill ususally lists response as +/- 2dB on his other speakers. I am assuming that is an indication of usable bass, and that the tight measurement is closer to 20Hz on the low side. I also unhooked the Vandersteen subs; in fact I sold them, because the Focus has such good low end response; adding them just muddied things.

Though I have not reviewed the Whisper, I have heard it and it has the same "house sound" as the other Legacy products. Interestingly, it's bass response is listed as being higher than the Focus HD (not radically, but significantly), however the nature of the bass from the whisper is more controlled/tight, which should be expected from the radically different bass driver configuration.