Atma-Sphere Class D… Amazing

Today I picked up my Atma-Sphere Class D Amps. These aren’t broken in yet. And they are simply amazing. I’ve listen to a lot of High End Class D. Some that cost many times what Atma-Sphere Class D costs. I wasn’t a fan of any of them. But these amps are amazing. I really expected to hate them. So my expectations were low. The Details are of what I’ve never heard from any other amps. They are extremely neutral. To say the realism is is extremely good is a gross understatement. They are so transparent it’s scary. These amps just grab you and suck you into the music. After I live with them some and get them broken in. And do some comparisons to some other high end Amps Solid State, Tubes and Class D’s, also in other systems I’ll do a more comprehensive review. But for now, these are simply amazing amps.. Congrats to Ralph and his team. You guys nailed on these.




Has anybody had the experience with the Atma-Sphere MP3 preamp- going from manual volume control to remote volume control? I want to know what kind of difference in sound quality. I've already tube rolled it and it sounds great. Upgraded power cable definitely made a nice improvement as well. A SR purple fuse made a nice difference as well. Mine already has the v-cap package. Looking to squeeze all I can out of this preamp. I have the remote now, but considering downgrading to the manual volume if there is a lot to gain in terms of sound quality.

Special Ganfets? The Audion version one was good.....then he updated the circuit for a MKII......then again for a MKIII and now the best sound belongs to the new mono Duets (more money too).....apparently upgraded the input op amps as well.....all using the same GaNfet........So, what really makes a difference? Everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GaNs seem to make the most sense but since every single thing you do matters....its the result that counts. Bruno has stayed with Mosfets (claims they are "fast enough"). He has just released a new "second generation Eigentakt" Purifi circuit module (model 900) that does over 300 watts into 8 ohms and over 900 watts into 2 ohms. Suppose to sound better than the last two models (400 and 700) he made. Specs are off the charts. How would a modded dual mono version of the VTV amp using these stack up against the latest more expensive GaN amps? We shall find out soon as I am getting one of the VTV dual mono amps in and will do my magic mods to it and do some comparisons......Should be fun. However, enjoy what you have right now.....this is the only moment that matters.....there will always be something better down the road......and hopefully cheaper. (Hey, some of us cannot afford a $6K whole stereo is $6K!)......Of course, I make some stuff by hand (speakers and cables and cable risers and tweaks)....and mod cheap stuff (DAC, transport and amp) to make super sound.


I bought my MP-3 used with the stepped attenuator and sent it back to Ralph to have the remote installed. While obviously I couldn't A-B them, I didn't notice any change in sonics. Ralph will tell you that the stepped attenuator is superior and I don't doubt it, but for me in my system I couldn't tell the difference and the convenience of having a remote in an already great preamp makes it worth it.

I have the remote now, but considering downgrading to the manual volume if there is a lot to gain in terms of sound quality.

@veerossi @armstrod If there's a difference its pretty slight. I've not noticed it.

@armstrod and @atmasphere


Thank you both for chiming-in! You just saved me from a big headache, inconvenience, and money.