ATC and Loki

Let me start by acknowledging that I don’t know what I’m talking about, which is why I am asking this question.
 I have ATC scm 40s and a Loki in the mail to me. I’m looking to adjust EQ because of an overly bright room and some low level listening.
I’ve heard that some speakers need a boost in certain frequency ranges even in a perfect room. I’ve also heard that Atc‘s have an especially flat response and may not fit that category. Any ideas about how to adjust the loki or how all these elements interact would be welcome.

Showing 3 responses by m669326

Thanks, all. The unit is supposed to arrive today so I will play around with some of the variables.
To reiterate, I have two concerns. One is low listening levels and the loss of bass to my ears as a result. Across the room from the speakers, a wall of windows have got to be Brightening the sound quite a bit.. We will see…
OP here.
JON, your understanding of this matches my understanding of this, and I appreciate your efforts to keep comments impersonal. By that, I don’t mean to vilify anyone who is taking a different approach. I’m just commenting on what I appreciate.
I am in no way trying to comment on any objective reality in relationship to acoustics or speakers or ears or anything along those lines. I have no expertise with things like that. I’m working on the basis of my own ears and my own speakers in my own room and making surmises about what’s going to work best for me, hoping that others have been down this road and can share things that I will find helpful.I understand that there are various elements in this topic that are debatable and that debate is often fun or Educational, so I don’t mind if anyone wishes to continue this thread along these lines because that has value for them, if not for me.
Yes, I think this is more about ears than equipment per se. Mine are not nearly as fine-tuned as most of the people here. By the way, I’ve been playing with my new toy and it’s fun. Where I will end up in terms of settings or usage is still up in the air.