At wits' end with radio through the speakers!

Hi, i am hoping for some creative ideas here ...

I have "upgraded" to a tubed phono stage with Herron VTPH2A.

I can hear quite clearly radio in the background! Drives me nuts!

I tried:
  1. Moving TT.
  2. Moving preamp.
  3. Moving grounding cable.
  4. Upgraded phono cable (slight improvement but still very clear)
  5. Upgraded audio cables.
  6. Using Ground Control GC1 doo
  7. Inserting shorting plugs.
My system: LP12 clone with aluminum plinth, SME V, DC motor and Dynavector XX2mk2 cart.

2 more data points:

"old" Schiit Mani phono is quiet and cant hear the radio!

Thanks in advance!


Showing 1 response by samzx12

I have noticed after purchasing a Manley Chinook SE MK2 I am hearing  radio stations. However, it is only coming through when the tonearm is sitting on the tonearm rest. Once I lift it up it stops. 

In addition, like the original post my previous phono preamps did not experience this interference either.