Arm interconnects choice???

Hello, any recommendations for interconnects between arm and preamp ???? Thank you.
arm : dynavector dv507
preamp :accuphase ad 2800
tt : AVID Acutus

Showing 1 response by millercarbon

In my experience the improvement going from an arm that uses an interconnect to one like Origin Live that runs straight from the arm to the phono stage is so great there is no other way to go. Connections are never good. The weaker the signal the worse they are. So count the connections, its no wonder.

That said, Synergistic Research makes the best wire. Find one a few years old, the best one you can afford, especially if you can get one with Active Shielding. Those are great because not only do they sound superb they also can be even better with very cost-effective upgrades to the Active Shielding power supply. Search Michael Spallone MPC mods.