Are you happy with Windows 10 Pro?

I'm running Windows 7 Pro without issue(s)--and don't want complications or frustrations. A bit slower-but steady- is fine for me. Are there real improvements to be gained? Thanks. Pete

Showing 5 responses by zd542

Reboot your PC and go into the BIOS. You should be able to turn the fan off there.
"I have a laptop I use strictly as a music server for my CA, and I can assure you that W10 is much better for audio than W8.1."

What's different about it?

Also, I noticed that a lot of people like Windows Server 2012 for music. Have you ever tried it?
It doesn't matter if you do a clean install, the bloatware is still there. The only way to get a true clean install is to buy a retail copy of Windows. If you use anything supplied by whoever makes the computer, you get the bloatware along with the OS. The only option is to manually uninstall anything you don't want.
I didn't realize you were talking about the upgrade to 10 that Microsoft offers. I thought you were doing a reinstall with the media that comes with a PC. You would still get the bloat if you did it that way.

I haven't done the upgrade myself because I prefer to start with a fresh copy. But if anyone is, you might want to read this first.

This guy writes the best how to guides I've ever seen. He covers everything, takes nothing for granted and writes in a way that anyone can easily follow. Even if you're an advanced user, you still may get some very useful tips.