Are you happy with Windows 10 Pro?

I'm running Windows 7 Pro without issue(s)--and don't want complications or frustrations. A bit slower-but steady- is fine for me. Are there real improvements to be gained? Thanks. Pete

Showing 3 responses by milpai

All my home laptops and 1 desktop were upgraded to Windows 10 and I loaded some older software like the proprietary Nikon Capture NX2 on it. It is working fine without issues. I really like the speed of this OS compared to the previous versions. As of now - no complaints.
Also Steakster,
Did you do a Clean Install or just did an upgrade?
I suggest, if possible, do a Clean Install. That way all the bloatware is gone and you will see a huge improvement in performance. Make sure your have the "keys" for all your softwares before you do a clean install. Also take a backup of your "My Document" folder. Create a directory on the C:\ and put the files there, because My Document gets wiped off, but the new folder on the C:\ will remains, even if you do Clean install.
The clean install can be done by creating the "media" on USB, as Al mentioned and provided you the link. Your clean install should remove all bloatware. If a user did clean install and that did not take care of your bloatware, then the user did something wrong. I have done clean install on 4 machines till date and none of them have bloatware.
Look into REGEDIT and Control Panel -> Programs....that should tell you what you have and don't. Good luck.