Are Wilson Sophia 2's lean in the midbass?

I've recently auditioned Sophia 2's and found them to be very lean in the midbass (but nice speaker overall) and am wondering if this observation is typical or unusual.


Showing 5 responses by madfloyd

No, I meant in comparison to other speakers. Do they like to be positioned near the front wall?

I have them 39" out from the front wall and if I pull them out more I start to lose body quickly...
I'm driving them with Theta Citadel 1.5's, MIT cabling.

I'd also like to know what you mean by soffit mount.

As for the red curve, that should depend on the speaker, no?
Btw, when I say 39" I mean from the front wall to the front (woofer) of the speaker (not the back). The depth of the speaker is 18" so it is about 21-22" out.

Reason I ask is that with this positioning, there isn't any sense of depth to the soundstage.
I had my speakers setup by a Wilson dealer, but admittedly he used an approach different from the official Wilson method.

I have a couple Real Traps in the corners and I was thinking of removing them to see if I'd get more bass, but some of the posts above seems to suggest that you can improve midbass with absorption of bass, so I'm no longer sure.

One of the reasons I'm asking is that a friend of mine who was present during the setup commented that every time he's seen Sophias setup they were always close to the wall.

What models of those Pass lines have you tried - or specifically how many watts?

I'm wondering if I should try different amps (currently using Theta Citadel 1.5's).