Are warm or colored speakers disrespectful of musicians/producer/engineers?

Sure, they may be pleasing to the ear, but don't non-transparent speakers (and other gear) represent presumptive editing--across the board, regardless of the musicians' intent?
Just a provocative thought.
Let's be nice to each other if this thread takes off.

Showing 1 response by chayro

As someone who spent many years working in recording studios, I can tell you that, in my experience at least, the final mixes of most music are a series of compromises made by the engineers to account for the many different acoustic environments the music will end up in.  Small speakers were used to simulate car audio, cassettes were played on boom boxes, and large in-wall monitors were usually only to impress the clients.  I don't think the idea is to have a final, accurate mix they want everyone to hear.  Just something that sounds good everywhere.  Audiophile lables like Chesky and MA may have a different method because they know their products are aimed at people with high-end systems, so they likely skip the boom box test.