Are warm or colored speakers disrespectful of musicians/producer/engineers?

Sure, they may be pleasing to the ear, but don't non-transparent speakers (and other gear) represent presumptive editing--across the board, regardless of the musicians' intent?
Just a provocative thought.
Let's be nice to each other if this thread takes off.

Showing 1 response by artemus_5

When I pay for a product I use it as it suits me. If I want to use a screwdriver as a chisel or vice versa, then so be it. As to speakers and equipment, Not everyone has the $$$ to purchase the High Fidelity equipment. The too, ignorance abounds about how the music sounds live. Then too, most musicians could care less about having a high end stereo themselves. Can they then offend themselves? I don't think so. Nor do I think any would feel disrespected. If they were that would be OCD pettiness IMO. Also, how would they know what YOUR music system sounds like unless they heard it? 
As a musician myself, I'd just be glad you are listening to my music, even if it were with  a wireless phone with pin head size speakers. Consider this. Sometimes using something strictly as intended is not as good for the Mfg. Jimi set HIS guitar on fire. Pete Townsend busted his to pieces.  I suspect Gibson & Fender sold many more guitars after those incidents.