Are manufacturer AC cables good enough?

I have two PS Audio AC3 and two Pangea AC 14 cables I don't use.  My thinking is that Ayre wouldn't supply cables that are inadequate for their components.  Is that thinking flawed?

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Showing 28 responses by thyname

Think of the power cord that comes with your gear as a "courtesy" power cord, just to get you going. @millercarbon explained this very well above.

Whether you are happy with the stock power cords or want to try "after market" power cord, that's all up to you.

Have you every tried to call / email Ayre and ask?
Power cords are included as a courtesy, just like patch cords. You aren't meant to actually use them. They are meant to stay wrapped in the plastic bag in the box to be passed along with the owner's manual to the next guy.
This reminds of a "trick" that the owner of a hi-fi shop does all the time when selling "open box" (returned) items: Oh look... this was not even powered on ... the power cord is still in the plastic wrapper !! 
Hi @itsjustme, I am curious to learn what your “very expensive, revealing system” is. Unfortunately I see you have not posted it under Systems 
@glupson: I can easily tell what your favorite news Tv show, and (obscure) tv network is 😉
Gosta: Your rule is simple indeed, but flawed. You base it on a debate from other people, AND, you give it a long time to develop. Why not “solve” it once and for all: try something for yourself. Unless you don’t trust your ears, that’s really the only way to know.

And what “clearly matters”? And why is it different than “a tweak”? More importantly, why do you think this “other people” never “invest” in “what clearly matters”? 

1,657 posts
04-23-2020 3:38pm
Yeah well, I went to Ayre's website and plodded through their warranty. Particular buyers might consider doing the same before using an aftermarket cord that hasn't been UL tested. At least keep the original and lie about it if the need arises.
LOL!! This must be the most preposterous (I am trying to be nice) post I have seen in years in this hobby. Voiding the warranty for using a power cord other than the stock power cord?? LOL!!
@boxer12: what is the opposite of Audiophile? I am guessing Audiohater? I would agree in this case
Hey Glupson: on your ice cream analogy, those people have tried them both, have eaten both vanilla and chocolate ice cream, and they decided which one they like. I don’t think a vanilla ice cream lover never tried chocolate ice cream before deciding they like vanilla ice cream
OP -- I am very sorry the thread is hijacked (again) from the naysayers.

Unfortunately this is the state of affairs in audio, every single thread gets hijacked from people who have zero interest in the subject. Yet, for some reason, they all flock to these threads, as if someone directs and flags them this way.

I hope you got what you needed.
I learned a long time ago that feeding the trolls is bad. It empowers them. And yet, I keep doing it. I should not. 
You know where a thread is going when these two guys start participating.... they should seriously consider cutting the Internet off nursing homes 😂😂🤭🤭
You should also ask this one why he changed his username from Atdavid and now posting under a different name. It's the same guy. Look at the timelines. Brand new member since February, zero purchase history, and identical "speech" to Atdavid. Same guy posting in Audiogon under questionable motives / agenda.

In the meantime not one credible explanation has emerged as to why the last 2 metres of electrical cabling should matter exponentially more than the previous possible kilometres.

I would not pretend to be so smart as to produce this as mine, but here we go:

Now.... of course these people "asking" those questions have read this before, no doubt! Do you think they would stop asking the same question?
@cd318 --- I knew exactly what you were going to say. And I regret even trying it. Carry on with the snake oil theory. In fact, if you are so convinced with said snake oil theory, why do you even participate in cable threads?

P.s. you missed #3, with a reference to #1. That was the answer to exactly asked you in the first place: "... In the meantime not one credible explanation has emerged as to why the last 2 metres of electrical cabling should matter exponentially more than the previous possible kilometres."

889 posts
05-15-2020 12:27pm

Take a look at what Gene at the excellent Audioholics site has to say on the matter.


rodman999994,348 posts05-15-2020 1:55pmA, "THEORY" has never proven anything, either.     That's ALL the, "evidence" naysayers have ever offered, in their, "scientific" pontifications.      No one will ever know, whether a component change (whatever the component) makes a change, in their system/to their ears, without actually trying it, which (whether your ilk recognizes it or not), constitutes an experiment.  

Well said! Totally agree.

And for the naysayers, I seriously doubt they actually own any audio equipment. They just like to pollute the audio forums for some strange reason. Maybe because THAT is their hobby?

Often a good indicator is their Audiogon feedback history: more often than not, zero transactions. They buy nothing. See those two guys above today. Zero transactions here. And don't tell me they only buy brand new from dealer (LOL!!!)
Hey AtDavid (aka @headaudio... numbers... now): You never answered my question. Why did you have to change your Audiogon handle?
@allthebits: Nope... that’s not gonna fly. Someone needs to save you. Save your soul. From the evil cable makers. I cannot let this happen. I must do something. I really MUST. I am breaking my keyboard right now... I am so angry. I need to save these poor souls. Time is running out. 😉😂

I’m waiting in my cold cell when the bell begins to chime
Reflecting on my past life and it doesn’t have much time
’Cause at 5 o’clock, they take me to the Gallows Pole
The sands of time for me are running low, yeah!

When the priest comes to read me the last rites
I take a look through the bars at the last sights
Of a world that has gone very wrong for me

Can it be that there’s some sort of error
Hard to stop the surmounting terror
Is it really the end, not some crazy dream?

Somebody please tell me that I’m dreaming
It’s not easy to stop from screaming
The words escape me when I try to speak
Tears flow, but why am I crying
After all I’m not afraid of dying
Don’t I believe that there never is an end
As the guards march me out to the courtyard
Somebody cries from a cell "God be with you"
If there’s a God then why has he let me go?

As I walk all my life drifts before me
And though the end is near I’m not sorry
Catch my soul, it’s willing to fly away
Mark my words, believe my soul lives on
Don’t worry now that I have gone
I’ve gone beyond to seek the truth
When you know that your time is close at hand
Maybe then you’ll begin to understand
Life down here is just a strange illusion
Yeah, hallowed be thy name
Yeah, hallowed by thy name
Definitely Atdavid in disguise!!

My advice for you: put all this energy you are wasting fighting the holy war into income producing activities. Maybe, just maybe, then you can afford the stuff you denounce as snake oil. 
Holy molly Dow Jones! You are in every single thread on everything how does not matter. Nothing works for you? Nothing impacts the sound? What are you doing in audio forums then? Can you explain your participation in everything without contributing anything? I tell you what it is: Trolling!
I read this somewhere today. Definition of Trolling:

“practice of behaving in a deceptive, destructive, or disruptive manner in a social setting on the Internet with no apparent instrumental purpose.”

Read this Dow Jones. It applies to you! 
Millercarbon: for this usual types / characters, the debate was not sorted out in the 80s, because they were not born yet! You realize these naysayers are broke no-job know-it-all millennials writing from their mom’s basement, right?

And as for the “try it for yourself” thing, they have a solution for that. Something in the lines of “science”, and “I don’t have to go to North Pole to know it’s cold out there”. One guy told me something today about a throwing a virgin on a volcano to see if erupts 😂😂. I call this creative trolling 😂🙄
@freedomgli and @rodman99999 : stop feeding the Troll. You will get nowhere. It will continue to be a circular argument going nowhere and you will accomplish nothing but empower him on his anti-audio hobby
You are calling Dow Jones an audiophile? LOL! It’s like calling a drunken homeless from the street a wine connoisseur.

Dow Jones just posted a brand new thread with a link “proving” why a $2 (yes, two American dollars, like two dollar bills, or eight quarters) DAC is more than adequate