Are manufacturer AC cables good enough?

I have two PS Audio AC3 and two Pangea AC 14 cables I don't use.  My thinking is that Ayre wouldn't supply cables that are inadequate for their components.  Is that thinking flawed?

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Showing 15 responses by kozka

Do you people ever have time to listen to music?...I mean, with all this time spent on here posting and talking about "flat earth", arguing whether "water is wet or just moist?" etc etc...
Power cord must be:

1.UL rated
2.Originally supplied, or meeting same specs as original
3.Long enough to reach your units easily ie. no tension
4.Connected to a good quality surge protector (unless your stereo is a cheaper crap than the power cord itself ;) )

Did I miss something?...pls add
"subjective measurements "

this is an oxymoron term....

same as 'anti-aging' face cream....
it's a term used when the subjective opinions have been acquired through controlled ABX testing and used in conjunction with scientific measurements in psychoacustics.

..then I think a proper english term is  - 'estimate'...not 'subjective measurement'
“That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.” – Christopher Hitchens.

A typical thread on audio forums where exotic power cords, exotic speaker cables, interconnects, vibration pads/puck(?) are dwelled upon consists of:

1.snake oil salesman en markups for them
2.suckers who spent money on those, also en they are looking for an atonement
3.a very small group of people with science/engineering background who know..

wishing you god listening to all ! 
yeah...I need Gold I can buy those exotic cables (hope it will be enough for wooden blocks as well).....and then do the INDEPENDENT assessment .....whatever...
You forgot the fourth group: Those who’ve actually listened, conducted their own tests, and reached their own independent conclusions.

I don’t see much evidence that there are many here who are in your #3 group. That’s because many of those who would pretend to belong to that group either dismiss mountains of evidence with a wave of the hand or - just as often - simply pretend that the evidence doesn’t exist. 


see groups 1,2...they are there...
independent research my eye....
hey...when you done with your independent research...write a book or two on the topic....I am sure masses will pick it can sell anything..
Next up, can current be distorted or noisy?

not sure...but it can shock you..
Hellooooo....looks like we have an off spring....
How about running TV via those exotic power cords?..anyone?...will the resolution improve, will colours be crispier ?...I wanna know..
geoff-fly-kite guy...what do you think ?
Other’s take ? (specially those from 4th group...independent ideologists)

I don't care enough about TV to try, but sounds interesting, why don't you try it and report back please kozka since you wanna know

I can not...dont have those not sure if my tv is still good...stopped watching when 'reality' shows came about...
nooo..I am here to find out about Fyne Audio speakers...meantime I got side tracked to an eye opening threads...