Are manufacturer AC cables good enough?

I have two PS Audio AC3 and two Pangea AC 14 cables I don't use.  My thinking is that Ayre wouldn't supply cables that are inadequate for their components.  Is that thinking flawed?

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Showing 49 responses by glupson


"..meantime I got side tracked to an eye opening threads..."
You are learning fast. There is a wealth of knowledge about many things here. Not so long ago, there were a few posts about plumbing on space station, of was it Space Shuttle, and materials used. Where else will you see that seriously posted?

"Talk to the hand, numbnutz."

A cryo-lubricant? 🧴

Perfect for cryoing and improving the flow of signal even in stock cables.
Ah, the Yugo.
The only car where the owner’s manual came with a bus schedule...
I bought one for my friend some years ago. It was already decades old, but even air conditioning worked well. You do not even need too many tools to fix it youself. Between brand new Mitsubishi Mirage and three decades old Yugo, I would pick Yugo. It is bare bones in a good way. Sort of like Lotus Elise with more room. You always feel you are faster than you really are. Ok, handling might have not been Lotus style, but still.
"You can buy a Yugo or a Lamborghini..."
You could buy both.

Spare parts for Yugo may be a problem, though. In any case, you would be more exclusive in a Yugo. Chop the roof off, or get a really rare cabrio one, and you have a marvelous babe magnet.
"When you buy a TV do you ask for test results? Cause if you do that would be pretty dumb."
I do not have a TV. Does it make me smart?
">>>>If you’re pretending to be a dick you’re doing an excellent job."
I thought it was all about Greta, not Dick.

"not sure...but it can shock you.."

Be careful. Even instruction manual for Synergistic Research cable risers starts with a serious safety warning. I am not hot dogging ya. 👀

Shouldn’t it be "Dunning - Kruger"? Maybe "Dunning, Kruger"? "Dunning/Kruger"?

"Dunning Kruger" just does not seem right. It seems like someone’s full name.


Why did you decide that "Confirmation bias" starts with a capital letter and "delusional snowflakes" does not despite "d" actually being the first letter of a sentence? I am just curious. You were consistent with that in all repeated samples.
"...write a book or two on the topic....I am sure masses will pick it can sell anything.."
Do masses still buy books?
"Positive Feedback did a blind test for the clock way back when."
How likely is it that Positive Feedback would give negative feedback about a product?
In all fairness, I am not sure if any audio manufacturer does blind tests in public. At the same time, speakers, amplifiers, etc., are, more or less, readily available in shops for one to compare them. With a little effort, a person could arrange it to be somewhat blind. Not exactly strong scientific blind, but usable on a casual personal basis. Kind of for choosing speakers to buy.

Is it possible to do something like that for cables, without going through the hassle of buying, packing, sending back? Do audio stores even cary any range of cables?

For example, Synergistic Research dealer is not that easy to locate.
You do have to submit some of your personal information first.

"It’s really difficult to take seriously those who incessantly call for blind testing to be done by others."
Not that this topic will change the world, but dismissing arguments just because someone did not do the particular test herself/himself was probably accepted scientific discussion around the time we exited caves.

The requirement is that test results can be reproduced, not that everyone has to do the test before talking about it. To some level it is an honor system. You are presumed of not lying. That is why statements of conflict of interest exist. In this particular back-and-forth about manufacturer’s blind testing, there is a huge potential conflict of interest. Manufacturer may claim it in an advertisement as a description of their methodology, but that is where it ends.

Even reputable manufacturers with decent know-how (Revel speakers, for example) describe their practice as including "blind testing", but they make it clear it is for them to compare their products with competitors and improve what they can, and not anything more than that. Having said that, I am not sure you could just walk into their offices/lab, but I have seen many reports of people who actually went there and were played music in this "blind comparison" way.

Now, how much credibility in this honor system does a person capable of posting those things on facebook have is on you to decide.
"...can current be distorted..."
Yes it can. Stand in the river and watch.
"Hmm, now what name shall I choose?"
Money for nothing?

You may need to pay a small licensing fee, but it would be worth it. And, in case some here are correct, nobody could chase you because of false advertising.

All you naysayers and cable non-believers should learn that looks are important. Stop arguing. You buy your clothes for the way they look, too. Even if they are just as warm as those ugly and cheap ones. So, what is the big deal with people paying money for prettier cables that may do the same job?

Bigger deal is buying it from the man who could post those things on facebook. That is when some would find a wire hanger sufficient.
Nothing to do with the topic of this thread, but is everyone here willing to patronize the business of a person who insults another one on the basis of Asperger’s syndrome with the language used in those facebook (I think it was facebook) posts?
"So what? Who cares?"

dbphd does.

(She/he asked the question "Are manufacturer AC cables good enough?")

"...even a very strong gut feeling......That is what they call pseudo skepticism."
No, that is what they call diarrhea.
"...with great success.    ie:"

“Best of Show” Awards 2015 @ All Major Shows

Next show we attend is RMAF 2015 in Denver, October 2-4, 2015,
Did they win "Best of show" award at RMAF 2015, too?
"Please list the aftermarket power cords you have compared to stock power cords?"
I have compared a few stock power cords that came with different pieces of equipment. Some thinner, some thicker. I report that I could not discern any difference in sound.

If power cords matter in terms of sound, are all the stock ones clones that sound equally good (or bad, if you are a proponent of more expensive products)?

Instead of advertising expensive power cords, why not compare stock ones and report how they sound? It may be helpful to those on the budget.
There is abundant evidence that "expensive power cables" can make a difference - a virtual mountain of it! There are countless testimonials...
Maybe "reports" rather than "evidence" so everybody is happy.
"How about Andorra?"

I might have flown over it at some point, but cannot guarantee. Never been there.

Before you ask, not L and not RSM. Not SCV, either.


" seem so immersed in US culture. I would never have guessed. 🙄 I’m guessing Sweden. Am I close? Lichtenstein?"

I am well-acquainted with a number of places and I do own a decent-sized collection of Lichtenstein stamps. I have been to Lichtenstein once, last summer, and ran into Beach Volleyball World Tournament played in the pouring rain. Maybe not World Tournament, but something similar to that. Surrounded by the Alps, the nearest beach was a few days riding a good horse away.

By the way, Sweden and Lichtenstein are not close.

How are kids doing these days? Any news from Detroit? Stay inside, it is not over yet.

"Wow! I thought that the Mountain bike forms were out of hand!"
There are mountain bike forums? Shouldn’t they be out there on the bike, and not at home at the computer? Fakers!

This "hobby" is for those who gave up on doing anything strenuous. It gives them an excuse to sit, do nothing, and try to outsmart a person they have never seen on a topic that means nothing to anyone. Which really is about how to reproduce the work someone else did without doing it yourself and often doing it better than the person who actually produced it does at her/his own home.

"...there was a time when there was no such thing as a three prong plug or a three hole receptacle.

During the transition, many folks received mild electric shocks ;~)"
I got lucky, I did not grow up in the U.S.A. No shocks for me. Well, yes shocks but not because of transition. They were all due to stupidity out of curiosity. 220V has a certain feel to it.
During the transition, many folks received mild electric shocks ;~)

>>>>One can’t help wondering if that might help curtail the anger and whining here?
Nothing helps here.

"Equipment that is double-insulated does NOT require a connection between chassis and earth ground. In such cases, a 2-pronged power cord is perfectly acceptable."
I thought it clarified it to me, it seemed logical and simple. Reading rest of the repsonses, I got lost.

Still, your explanation reminded me of an icon that my portable cassette player had. Two squares, smaller inside the bigger one, which was to imply it was double insulated. Having disassembled that mean machine many times, I do not think it was really "double-insulated", but it might have been constructed in some way that it was not easy to electrocute self. Unless opening it, of course.

Why would one disconnect grounding? Wasn't it placed there for some safety reason?

My amplifier and CD player (same brand) came with two-pronged cord and connector on the devices. I am not sure what certifications they have, but they are from a relatively reputable manufacturer. I somehow doubt they cut corners there. My music server, from different but still well-known manufacturer, has three-pronged connection.

"The Devil’s Teeth. See curves at bottom of page,"
That is what happens when you do not report on weekends.

"...Real scientists actually conduct their own tests. They don’t dismiss every listener’s casual account with a wave of the hand while muttering about the lack scientific control yet making no effort to conduct their own inquiry, to their own standards."
Not to take sides, but in some of the areas of science, it is what practically happens. "Peer" in "peer reviewed" does not have to be "the guy who did the test on exactly the same subject". They do dismiss certain study exactly based on how well it was designed. Controls, sample size, etc., matter. In fact, "methods" paragraph may be the most scrutinized one.

I am quite hopeful you are wrong, but am afraid I have no ground for that hope. We'll see. Unless it is a double blind test. Which, I think it is.

Not many people were in their homes around here over the weekend. It was crowded outside.

"Even though you probably think you’re on a roll don’t quit your day job."
I work nights, too.

I have a feeling that geoffkait does not reside in the nursing home and neither do I.

You know where a thread is going when it is called "Are manufacturer AC cables good enough?". It is going the same direction as the one "Are manufacturer fuses good enough?" You should not blame geoffkait or me for that.

I did not think about that one. I thought of you.

I do not have a goldfish.

">>>>That’s because you’re an idiot."
If I were you, I would have a little more respect for my teacher. 

Now go back and play with your pebbles.
"You can always tell when mc is lying. His lips are moving."
I would bet that most of us here would not know when that is.

But someone apparently does.
"Dude! E = Mc^2 is always true."
Is there anything that is always true?

I think I will have to ask my local shaman.
"Is he some sort of expert on all things concerning hi-fidelity?"
He is some sort of expert in everything. His credentials are on display throughout these threads.
"One can’t help wondering if hospitals are encouraged not to report fully everything will open up faster."
I do not think there is any encouragment in that direction. Deaths are reported electronically by a person certifying death, not hospital itself. At least in some places and at least that is how I thought.
"You’re close, he’s more of a Foghorn Leghorn guy. 🐔"
Are you calling me Horny?
"Whenever two things are different one is of necessity better, the other worse."
Tell that to people who ask to have half scoop of chocolate and half of vanilla. They may have different view. Of necessity, maybe even better.
"@glupson: I can easily tell what your favorite news Tv show, and (obscure) tv network is 😉"
You are beyond insightful.
"Power cords are included as a courtesy, just like patch cords. You aren't meant to actually use them."
Some of the wisdom found on Audiogon should be in the Library of Congress.