Are manufacturer AC cables good enough?

I have two PS Audio AC3 and two Pangea AC 14 cables I don't use.  My thinking is that Ayre wouldn't supply cables that are inadequate for their components.  Is that thinking flawed?

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Showing 50 responses by geoffkait

Come on guys, can we try to focus here? 👀 Not the car Focus, either. Side note, glubson, I tend to agree you feel faster than you really are. 🤗
When you buy a TV do you ask for test results? Cause if you do that would be pretty dumb. Do you demand blind tests for TVs? No. Because that would be pretty dumb too.

geoffkait, I think you are confusing blind with deaf. Similar words, different meaning.

>>>>If you’re pretending to be a dick you’re doing an excellent job.
I did blind tests at CES in 2005 in the Golden Sound room for the Intelligent Chip and Brilliant Pebbles and I think we did blind tests for Ultra Tweeters too. The ones with no output below 1 GHz. The well known U.K. reviewer whose name escapes me did a blind test of the Intelligent Chip for an auditorium full of people in U.K. that year. I also did blind test of Mr. Chip for John Curl and Bob Crump that same year. I actually recommend A/B tests for some of my products, like Clever Lil Clock, Positive Feedback did a blind test for the clock way back when. No big deal. 

A lot of audio devices require a certain amount of testing just to find out where the heck the damn things should go in the room, you know, things like Tube Traps, room diffusers, tiny little bowl resonators, Mpingo discs, things of that nature.
Glubson is on roll today. Unfortunately for the rest of us. 😬 Talk to the hand! 🖐
Noone said blind tests are irrelevant. You’re putting words in my mouth. What I said is they don’t mean anything. They only mean something when there is a preponderance of evidence from many tests, independent from each other. 

A typical thread on audio forums where exotic power cords, exotic speaker cables, interconnects, vibration pads/puck(?) are dwelled upon consists of:

1.snake oil salesman en markups for them
2.suckers who spent money on those, also en they are looking for an atonement
3.a very small group of people with science/engineering background who know..

wishing you god listening to all !

>>>>Thank you!

“That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.” – Christopher Hitchens.


>>>>>I know that means something. Was Christopher Hitchens the old dude in Back to the Future? No, wait, don’t tell me. He was the black hole dude in the wheelchair!


What a silly goose. You can’t prove a negative. It’s like UFOs. You can’t PROVE they don’t exist. You may have a gut feeling, even a very strong gut feeling. But that’s not scientific, is it? That is what they call pseudo skepticism.
The mystery deepens. Could this be a .....conspiracy? Oh, goodie! 🤗
You sure ask a lot of questions. What are you, a narc? Independent verification requires someone uh, independent. That’s why they call it independent verification and validation. Are you volunteering again?
Apparently some little teddy bears 🧸🧸 haven’t heard that observation 👀 is one of the keystones of the scientific method. It’s called empirical evidence. Hel-loo!
(Hey, that’s the way it goes sometimes)

South Korean officials, who recently began to loosen social distancing requirements, ordered more than 2,100 nightclubs, discos and bars in Seoul to close Saturday after the country recorded dozens of new cases linked to partygoers in the city last weekend.

In Germany, where the government has outlined a cautious but steady opening, hundreds of workers in at least three meat-processing plants have tested positive for the coronavirus, medical and local officials said. Word of the new infections came as Chancellor Angela Merkel, speaking in her weekly video message to the nation, said that “we are excited to take the first steps towards normal, everyday life.”

In the Washington DC area the curves actually don’t look all that good. Apparently the White House is under quarantine.

By the way, not to brag or anything, but we just hit 80,000 and it’s the second week of May, just as I predicted. It’s the “doubling every two weeks” theory, for those interested. Gee, I wonder what the total will be at the end of May? 🤔 - Dave the Predictor
I did not grow up in the USA.

>>>>>Well, shut my mouth and call me corn pone! But you seem so immersed in US culture. I would never have guessed. 🙄 I’m guessing Sweden. Am I close? Lichtenstein? Feel free to parse my sentences. 
During the transition, many folks received mild electric shocks ;~)

>>>>One can’t help wondering if that might help curtail the anger and whining here?
And it’s still everybody’s favorite whack a mole game. Let’s hope it goes another 40 years. Whack a mole. The sport of kings. 🤗
Rule No. 1, Never try to explain something technical to an English major.
Feynman’s role is overrated by history. Everyone knew that NASA management circumvented the Senior engineers, supposedly Feynman’s major insight, very early into the investigation. Surely by the time the Thiokol engineer testified. There were two paths in NASA bureaucracy, engineer and management. The problem Rogers had with Feynman was he wasn’t a team player, he wanted to be the star of the show. Feynman was lucky to get his words in the Final Report at all. It wouldn’t surprise me if he was ill, as he had been suffering with cancer for many years and actually passed away soon after the report was published. Feynman especially clashed with Al Keel, Executive Director of the Rogers commission and Berkeley post doc, who was just as smart if not smarter than Feynman, and who had performed the final aerodynamic analysis at the beginning of the Shuttle program many years before.

Roger’s couldn’t stand him because he showed how incompetent they were.

>>>>How incompetent who were?
It’s the Devil’s Teeth. Currently we’re on the path for near the highest day ever. Hel-loo! And they’re talking of disbanding the task force today? Cut me some slack, Jack! 
An ordinary man has no means of deliverance.

You can’t cheat an honest man.

Never smarten up a chump.

By the way, Feynman was all that swift, himself. He actually isn’t that good at explaining things. But if you like it lap it up. That’s why they kept him out of the Shuttle Disaster Final Report. 
I feel a spike coming on. We’re up to yesterday’s total and it’s only lunchtime. The Devil has a lot of teeth. Shut the cave door and back to pigmy country!
I suspect working at home will be the new normal. Get familiar with Zoom. 🤗
Just because they open up doesn’t mean you have to go. Are you following the wrong sheep? 🐑 🚶🏻
Not all audio differences or effects are huge or even easily discerned. Sometimes they are aren’t observed, especially on first hearing. Furthermore, any differences or effects that should be audible can easily be covered over and masked by all manner of mistakes in the system or perhaps external factors, time of day, the weather, whatever. Yes, I know what you’re thinking. “But I never make mistakes in my system. My system sounds fabulous!” 🤗
By the way, Mr. Smarty Pants. I have a little bit of experience with testing. I was the government witness for testing a 2B $ national FAA critical communications program.
I have nothing but the greatest respect for Toole, by the way. He was great in Becket.
If this thread weren’t so hilarious it would be sad. 😢 Hydraulics? What the ding dong? Are they out of mind? Everything is topsy turvy. Me topsy, you turvy. Obviously the audiophile mind can be easily controlled. It’s a conspiracy. It’s a pandemic. 😷 There is nothing in all of audio funnier than watching a bunch of golden ear know it alls sitting around and testing something blind.
Controlled blind testing works for coronavirus drug tests as currently ongoing when there are very large randomized samples. For audio not so much. There is no comparison between medical controlled blind tests and audio controlled blind tests. Primarily you can’t control audio tests easily. You might think you can but you can’t. And if there is only one blind test the results are meaningless, I.e., no conclusions can be drawn. Come on, guys.
Even though you probably think you’re on a roll don’t quit your day job. Assuming Subway is not closed for the lockdown. 
Good comeback, glubson! How long did it take to think of that one? Did your goldfish help? 
@heaudio123 What are you bloviating about now? 
From news, 

In fact, a team including University of Michigan astronomer Elena Gallo has discovered that a black hole at the center of a nearby dwarf galaxy, called NGC 4395, is about 40 times smaller than previously thought. Their findings are published in the journal Nature Astronomy.

Currently, astronomers believe that supermassive black holes sit at the center of every galaxy as massive as or larger than the Milky Way. But they’re curious about black holes in smaller galaxies such as NGC 4395 as well. Knowing the mass of the black hole at the center of NGC 4395—and being able to measure it accurately—can help astronomers apply these techniques to other black holes.

"The question remains open for small or dwarf galaxies: Do these galaxies have black holes, and if they do, do they scale the same way as supermassive black holes?" Gallo said. "Answering these questions might help us understand the very mechanism through which these monster black holes were assembled when the universe was in its infancy."

To determine the mass of NGC’s black hole, Gallo and her fellow researchers employed reverberation mapping. This technique measures mass by monitoring radiation thrown off by what’s called an accretion disk around the black hole. An accretion disk is a mass of matter collected by the gravitational pull of black holes.

As radiation travels outward from this accretion disk, it passes through another cloud of material farther out from the black hole that’s more diffuse than the accretion disk. This area is called the broad-line region.

When the radiation hits gas in the broad-line region, it causes atoms in it to undergo a transition. This means that the radiation bumps an electron out of the shell of an atom of hydrogen, for example, causing the atom to occupy a more energetic level of the atom. After the radiation passes, the atom settles back into its previous state. Astronomers can image this transition, which looks like a flash of brightness.

Light echo measured from the central black hole in a dwarf galaxy NGC 4395. The time delay between the continuum from the black hole’s accretion disk (blue light curve) and the hydrogen emission from orbiting gas clouds (red light curve) is measured as ~80 min., providing the light travel time from the black hole to the gas emission region. Credit for NGC 4395 image: Adam Block/Mount Lemmon SkyCenter/University of Arizona. Credit for accretion disk illustration: NASA/Chandra X-ray Observatory/M. Weiss.

By measuring how long it takes for the accretion disk radiation to hit the broad-line region and cause these flashes, the astronomers can estimate how far the broad-line region is from the black hole. Using this information, they can then calculate the black hole’s mass.

"The distance is thought to depend on the black hole mass," Gallo said. "The larger the black hole, the larger the distance and the longer you expect for light to be emitted from the accretion disk to hit the broad-line region."

Using data from the MDM Observatory, the astronomers calculated that it took about 83 minutes, give or take 14 minutes, for radiation to reach the broad-line region from the accretion disk. To calculate the black hole mass, they also had to measure the intrinsic speed of the broad-line region, which is the speed at which the region cloud is moving under the influence of the black hole gravity. To do this, they took a high-quality spectrum with the GMOS spectrometer on GEMINI North telescope.

By knowing this number, the speed of the broad-line region, the speed of light and what’s called the gravitational constant, or a measure of gravitational force, the astronomers were able to determine that the black hole’s mass was about 10,000 times the mass of our sun—about 40 times lighter than previously thought. This is also the smallest black hole found via reverberation mapping.