Are manufacturer AC cables good enough?

I have two PS Audio AC3 and two Pangea AC 14 cables I don't use.  My thinking is that Ayre wouldn't supply cables that are inadequate for their components.  Is that thinking flawed?

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Showing 47 responses by djones51

If a power cable changes the sound of the amp perhaps your "Ayre Conditioner power line RFI filter" is faulty. Might want to notify them. 
Talk to Ayre, ask them does an aftermarket mains cable change the sound signature of their amps, if so why? If one is objectively better why not use it or advise the use of it? What wire do they use inside the amp? Have they tested different mains cables and noticed observable measured differences? If you want to use an aftermarket mains cable I would make sure it has the required safety label from UL or CE to know it’s been tested. For all the blathering about the inky black darks and improved soundstage let's see some evidence beyond testimony. 
I think I’ll trust the engineers over self proclaimed subjective experts. If a mains cable affects the sound of an  amp it's measurable if it isn't then whatever effect it does have couldn't be enough to make it audible.
If the accountant picked the mains cable then the company would go with a very exotic audiophile cable they could produce for $10 use the pseudoscience gobbledygook talk of other high end cable " manufacturers " and give the wide eyed audiophile a bargain for a measly extra $500 with the purchase of a $10,000 amp. Of course it would be voiced especially for them 😉
Yeah well, I went to Ayre's website and plodded through their warranty. Particular buyers might consider doing the same before using an aftermarket cord that hasn't been UL tested. At least keep the original and lie about it if the need arises. 
To try to judge the real from the false will always be hard. In this fast-growing art of 'high fidelity' the quackery will bear a solid gilt edge that will fool many people" - Paul Klipsch 1953
No for using one that hasn't been subjected to proper testing at UL. I see you still care sweetie. 😘
I take it you wouldn't be interested in Archimago's musings on speaker cables? 
Of course subjective listening and opinion is vital too, but equal measure of science is often overlooked.

There is a difference between "subjective listening " and "subjective measurements " the former can be dismissed the later is used along with "scientific measurements" in evaluating whether something has an actual effect.
If Ayre whose top line amplifier sells for around $35,000 tosses in junk power cords then I think I'll look elsewhere for a company that's tested all the parameters that can diminish the performance of their products. For that kind of money I expect a good power cord whose measurements equal or better anything put up against it. 
I did try and I did hear...and not subtly.
If you did not try in a blind controlled test then you're just offering subjective biased opinion.We ALL have subjective biased opinions when it comes to seeing and hearing the only way to know if something actually works is to remove the biases as much as possible. One of the best examples of conducting an ABX test is done by Floyd Toole when he was at Harman. It's controlled by computer and the results from blind compared to sighted is very revealing. It's and hour long if you care to watch it.

subjective measurements "

this is an oxymoron term....
it's  a term used when the subjective opinions have been acquired through controlled ABX testing and used in conjunction with scientific measurements in psychoacustics.

The amplifier they’re talking about in this thread has a mains filter in the amp. They mention it on their website and say in some areas with noisy lines you can add one of their line conditioners. Nowhere do they talk about power cords. I try not to get in the cable nonsense and stay away from interconnects and speaker cable but when it gets to power cables it’s to much. Electricity runs for miles through steel/aluminum wire hits the transformer for your house steps down and comes through the meter, panel, feet of regular copper wire, receptacle then gets to the magical power cord that changes something or the other then goes through a filter in the amp, another transformer, regular 12 or 14 gauge wire in the amp but through this whole thing it’s that few feet of magic wire that adds those wonderful inky black background, open soundstage , voices floating in front of the speakers and pianos beside your couch. Power cable bull is worse than the nonsense they attribute to ethernet and USB cables.
Who is this millercarbon dude?
Noone,  you'll notice him shilling worthless tweaks and linking conspiracy theory websites for the most part. 
They deleted my Clueless Clump of Cells post I thought I was rather benign this time🙄
When logic and science fail you what's left? Oh yeah, your system is junk and you're deaf. If it makes HUGE,SIGNIFICANT. Etc... differences then it can be quantified if not read cd318 post or better yet get a book on psychoacustics.
Then again, given the inherent irrationality/contradictions of Darwinism, and how many people uncritically accept that despite it's being scientifically falsified (insofar as soft science can be),
 For some reason I'm not amazed. I assume you question gravity as well being only a theory or are you in the intelligent falling theory camp? 
The embarrassment is in using a scientist to support unscientific nonsense. Let's  use Feynman, in your words tell why does a $ 1000 power cord sound different than a $10 power cord of equal gauge? 

I have no doubt, he’d have EXPERIMENTED with it!
I have no doubt the experiments would have been scientific experiments where variables are controlled. If you dismiss the scientific process why corrupt the memory of a scientist to support unscientific blathering?
 As one notable, Physicist, theorist and Nobel Laureate is usually quoted, " It doesn’t matter how beautiful your theory is, it doesn’t matter how smart you are. If it doesn’t agree with experiment, it’s wrong."      THAT’S, "logic".
Who is this notable Nobel Laureate? I doubt very seriously if his criteria for experiment is put a cable in a system sighted and proclaim the sonic superiority of the cable. Physicists, theorists and Nobel laureates use stringent criteria for experiment. 
But we can do experiments showing gravity exists. I am not sure he said gravity can't  be explained perhaps it was we don't really know what gravity is? We can explain the affects of gravity but what it is made up of, gravitons? Who knows. 
You have a beautiful theory.  Expensive aftermarket power cords improve the sonic ability of the component. Now tell us about the experiments used that agree with the theory? Did any of them disagree with the theory? Could the theory be falsified? If so how? 

The naysayers propose (perhaps, project), that, "audiophiles" are too ignorant, inept or deaf, to make a change, in their systems, listen to it and determine if it (whatever it is) makes enough difference, to them, to purchase (a simple experiment).
I am the one who is accused of being inept, ignorant and deaf not to mention a troll etc.. for simply pointing out "audiophiles" are human and subject to the same biases as all of us , including me. Acknowledging this it only makes sense to try and negate these biases as much as possible when making claims of HUGE improvements in the sonic abilities of amplifiers etc..power cords, which are fairly well understood passive electrical devices.
Well if I could figure gravity out and unify it then I will accept my "Noble" prize when the pandemic is over if I am still alive. 
The tests, it was more than 1, I was referring to wasn’t easy to set up. It was DBX the randomization was controlled by computer, the speakers were moved in and out of position by hydraulic systems there were 350 people used for the tests. Mr Toole wanted useful data not subjective guessing.
I watched a video of Floyd Toole giving a talk on speaker testing when he was discussing how they do testing he mentioned if someone tells him their experiences he asks how the test was administered if it was sighted he said in my mind I simply dismiss it and nod because I know it’s a useless test. Sighted testing is completely worthless in understanding the effects and differences in products not just audio.

P.S. someone had a quote above (or maybe another thread), from Dr. Toole, one of the best known "scientists" in this field, that went along the lines of when someone communicates results of a NON blind test, he just nods like he is paying attention, while writing off anything they say.

That was me and I am going by memory and hopefully we know how that can be. The jest of what he was saying is sighted tests don't relay any useful information and he didn't indicate he was disrespectful in any way. 
Now what does this uber$$$$ cable do that the cable that came with the component doesn’t?
That world meter doesn't look good for the US today I thought we were going down ⛷

the power cable presents a high impedance to these signals they will be reflected back into the power supply
That's easy enough to figure out just measure the $$$ aftermarket power cable and the stock cable that came with the amp and see if there is a difference.
Misconception #3 is nonsense audio components don't have perspectives but anyway why 6 feet? Suppose your magic cable is 12 feet does the amps perspective change? Lets make the cable 30 feet and connect to the panel box what's the perspective of the amp now, does it know a breaker and bus bar is now the bottleneck? What's the perspective of the wires after the power supply? Complete idioticy.
True, they may know they don't matter but they aren't going to come out and shoot themselves in the foot by admitting it.
My new Anthem STR came with a two blade plug and two blade IEC connector on the amp. It has the CE, RoHS,FCC , cTUVus, certifications on it. In case you don't know the cTUVus is a direct replacement of UL and CSA marks.

You had a contradiction, your intellect said wire is wire should sound the same.
Your experience said no the wires sound different, better.
When humans have dissonances they try to resolve them it’s just what we do. You solved yours by deciding to "just to ignore the science, for the most part, and the debates, and simply enjoy the music." If it worked then your dissonance has been resolved.

It's interesting because I did something similar. Instead of ignoring science I used science and discovered I didn't really hear differences in cables or dacs it was my human frailty or a human fault or perhaps a survival mechanism that evolved. Anyway it's just who we are you solved your contradiction one way and I another.
The Apprentice or how I learned to quit worrying and laugh at incompetence.