Are high sample rates making your music sound worse?


Showing 2 responses by lalitk

“Since no one >10 can hear over 20kHz, there is no point to listening to something like 192kHz in the first place, if your amp can even properly playback such high frequencies, all you are doing is increasing the chances of driving your tweeter into distortion“

Total BS......

Basically speaking, the higher your bit-depth/sampling rate, the "better" quality recording you’ll get. You just to need make sure your equipment is up to the task.

The 24bit/196khz files on Qobuz sounds much more dynamic over 16bit/44.1kHz files on Tidal.


I trust my ears more than any logic or argument. Couple of variables here, it could very well be your components that are not upto the task or maybe it’s your hearing that are hindering your abilities to discern the subtleties in the high resolution music. 

IMHO, you should open yourself to the possibilities that stems from trying than simply relying on theories and subsequent futile discussions.