Are future improvements in Amp/PreAmps slowing to a crawl?

Nothing you've said reflects understanding
That's because nothing I've said you understand.

The field is 3D sound reproduction.
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Re Tenor Amplifier

"Anyone on this thread own one?
I noticed they are not cheap."

Tenor amps were not cheap twenty years ago. To say they are not cheap now is like saying the black hole in the center of the Milky Way is not small. The new Tenor 350M Haute Puissance (High Power) monoblocks are $90K.

Glad you built your first hi-fi system!
Yeah that would be 1969 when I built my first tube amp.
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Your right about the not so common path but -
wrong about H-CAT It is not class D.
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Sure it is! You can't run a linear power supply or a class A or AB amp in a box with no heatsinks or ventilation. The weight and appearance rule out linear circuits.
Wow you can tell all that just by looking at it?
Very impressive.
But wrong.

Is this "opposite day" or something?
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Without cooling though, there's absolute certainty what your output stage isn't.
Your absolute certainty is absolutely wrong.
First you're criticizing my amp without hearing it and now you're telling me I have no heat sinks with seeing it. I don't think you are going to get away with that one. Its too easy to prove. (They are on the back)
It idles at 30 wpc.

Are you a remote viewer?

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This thread - for better or worse - has become the poster child for what happens when you let the angry Juror from 12 Angry Men badger you with the old, "then, what about this, then what about that" routine. It’s the oldest scam in town. You can’t PROVE it!! Nobody has to prove anything. Duh! This behavior on this thread and many other threads appears to be nothing more than a desperate ploy for attention and an opportunity for rudeness and name calling. 😫
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Costco, you are a wannabe who hasn’t done anything. Little boy, little stick, big mouth. 

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You’re not the first wannabe that tried to hump my leg. Go ahead, knock yourself out. 🐩
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And in 48 years you haven't achieved any success or praise for your audio expertise, but you're about to teach the true greats in the field some big lessons, eh?
As a matter of fact - Yes.
This brings us back to the egg on your face moment that's coming down the pike like an 18 wheeler.

Please kosst for Gods sake man - you are in a nose dive like you have no idea. You are making it worse on yourself.

Think about this for a moment. Just humor me.
What if everything I've told you is true and accurate?
Including that there are no designers that are even close to creating what I have made.

Wouldn't that be something?
The good news (for audiophiles) is that it really is here.

On that note I would suggest that we call a truce on beating a dead horse because its getting nowhere fast.

Lets wait and see what happens next and then you can react.
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Rather than accept the onslaught of valid and well reasoned criticism brought before you, you hunker down even more.
Oh you mean like -
I don't like you because I think you're a liar.
There is some debate as to whether you're smart enough to realize you're full of crap.
I'm pretty sure everybody here has concluded you're a fraud
We all see you have no clothes.
It sounds like you have quite a crowd there - who are you "debating" with? The voices in your head?

You brag you work in values of picovolts, but you can't prove it.
I have to admit you might have me on that one.

You arrogantly presume you've stumbled onto some new branch of physics or something and have the audacity to invent the language
The results I have gotten are from my endless hours of dedication to a single concept. I did not "stumble" into anything. The final circuit I ended up with was my target from the beginning - not an accident.

I have figured out the correct configuration of the right components to produce live music. I was able to do this simply because I knew it was possible.

This body of work includes what I have learned about how the ear-brain perceives something as "live" That understanding has helped shape the concept and implementation of an automatic focus system.

And now all that work has paid off.
The future got here sooner that you thought. 
Sorry but just like Hillary - you going to have to get over it. 

You present the concept like it's some epic breakthrough to a world that's never experienced such a thing
I know that is hard to swallow but yes that pretty much sums it up.
On several occasions there have been people who after listening to such a system have had tears of joy. Only live music can touch that nerve.
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kosst - its really been great chatting with you but I need to get back to work. We are not getting anywhere with this argument and I'm certainly not going to change my position since I'm the one with the goods.

The difference is that I have the "before and after" - you only have the "before" and have not heard the "after" and so you cannot comment on it with any authority.

I really do wish you the best.
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The answer to the question of this thread is, Yes!,  As a mater of fact,  the technology is going backward's with the invention of class D.                  However,  company's like Gryphon is pushing the technology of class A.                                           The fact you see class D is a money making scheme,  this is a very cheap implementation,  the profits are astounding to say the least,  Class A is extremely more expensive, the profit margin is far less unless you charge the amount of burying a cheap fix up and resale house!, the good ole day's of class A costing below $30,000 is over, I remember Krell, pass labs, Boulder,  Mark Levinson, Jeff Roland, etc...                              High end audio in general these day's is over priced. 
Let’s get serious for a second. High end amplifier manufacturers really need to do something about toxic transformer-generated magnetic fields (magnetic field countermeasures), directionality of all wire, not only the wire in transformers, but in fuses and the power cord. Also, they need to implement effective EMI/RFI countermeasures, damping for transformers, maybe decouple the transformers entirely, or put them outboard. Whose brilliant idea was it to bolt the things directly to the chassis, anyway? Not too swift. And those capacitors also, need to be damped. Hel-loo! So, the moral of this story: $90K Tenors or $200K Dart Zeels are off my Christmas shopping list until they solve those issues. You can’t just sweep this stuff under the carpet, folks. Hel-ooo! You can paint a turkey different colors but it’s still a turkey. 🦃

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costco_emoji, good reaction! I assume you are enjoying another one of your DMT flashbacks. Obviously I’m not referring to transformers that are already outboard, Mr. Smarty Pants. I’m not surprised you didn’t know that all capacitors induce vibration in themselves. That’s why damping them is a good idea. I realize you’re a newbie and a wannabe but you shouldn’t let your emotions go crazy. As I said previously anyone who argues that air in a listening room moves at some great speed is not exactly in normal reality. If you wish to become the resident know it all I'd say you've already made it. 😀
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costco, but I DID attack you for what you said. It’s very easy to do. You're the resident name caller. And quite a sophomoric one at that. I am starting to suspect reading comprehension might be another issue for you. You know, they’re doing wonders with anti psychotics these days. Check it out.
I agree with Atmasphere.  Many designs are nothing to write home about, made to a price point very similar to each other.  Other designs use better parts caps, resistors, custom transformers, etc.  Measurements mean nothing to me as I cannot hear the differences (general statement).  I recently made a Pass labs clone using better parts and it sounded really, really good, we were surprised how good it came out.  Some designers are exceptional and go the extra mile.  Making something cheap and real good is a challenge if you use custom parts though IMO.  I have yet to hear a SS amp sound like tubes depending on the design IMO.  I heard a FM Acoustic power amp and that was the closest SS amp that I really liked.  Very expensive.  No special parts so we figured that they matched up the parts very closely, but I don't really know.  In designing products, I can basically tell you how something will sound by the design, the parts used, etc.  I listen so much for changes, etc., that I really never hear the music for enjoyment now a days.  So far in my limited listening to class D designs, I can hear the sound and while I can enjoy it, it is really not what I prefer to listen to.  Not saying that I have heard enough but knowing that design I can hear what I do not like in that design.  But what I prefer may be different than what you prefer and its all good!  That is all I got!  Happy Listening.  
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Ok, Mr. Magic Rocks. Go play with your mystic morphic fields now and let the big people talk about reality.

kross_emoji, anyone who actually believes the air in a listening room is moving at 1000 mph is not exactly living in reality. No offense, maybe you’re just pretending to be dense. Hey, that rhymes! 😄 And anyone who believes the velocity of sound is not constant in a given listening room is not exactly living in reality. Now I will let the Big Baby continue his badgering and name calling. Would it be a fair statement to say you’re ignorant of crystals and Morphic fields? Maybe a little afraid of what you’re ignorant of? No need to answer, it’s only a rhetorical question.

"Knowledge is is what’s left after you subtract everything you forgot from school." 😳
- audiophile axiom

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Geeze, Mr. Magic Rocks! Can’t seem to forget the physics of air, can you? Sorry, but that’s a completely valid and required component in the calculation of mass and sound moving though it. It’s funny how you ridicule me for reality and defend you fantasy fields. You’re the one who claims to tweak audio and video gear over the phone. Not me. You’re insane.

Ha ha! You pulled out all the stops that time, kross. I bet I know what's coming next. I always enjoy these extreme reactions from newbies. No worries, I realize you're physics challenged, so here’s a little tutorial for you. It’s not difficult.

Get smart on speed of sound:

What changes the speed of sound?

In fact, assuming an ideal gas, the speed of sound c depends on temperature only, not on the pressure or density (since these change in lockstep for a given temperature and cancel out). Air is almost an ideal gas.

have a nice hair day

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kross_emoji, if the air in the room had any motion your hair (assuming you have any hair) would be blowing in the wind. Besides the speed of sound at Standard temperature pressure is calculated for STILL air, not moving air. If the air is moving the speed of sound is a different number. Hel-loo! Thus, you argument is a logical fallacy. Case closed. Go back to school, get money back.
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kross_emoji, you are a little slow on the uptake today. The speed of sound is just that, relativistic motion, the speed of acoustic waves relative to the speed of air. Duh! This is what happens when you go to a school that advertises on the back of matchbook covers.
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But the air is still still. It’s not moving. Have you forgotten your argument already? This was Roger Paul’s concept, preserve the relative motion of the acoustic waves and the air in the room, nothing to do with temperature. We don’t care what the temperature is. We don’t care because it’s irrelevant. Even if you want to use some bizarre example like the room is in a NASA wind tunnel and the air is heated to 120 degrees the principle still applies, the speed of sound is the relative motion of acoustic waves through air. It's a timing thing not a temperature thing.

How about a rule that after x posts by a 'Goner on a single question, no more?  How do these people find the time to engage in such pointlessness?

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I was just getting down to kross_emoji's level. If thy eye offend thee pluck it out. 👁 My job is setting the record straight. 
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When you say "a bunch of us" I assume that means you and the other pseudo skeptics. Maybe you mean you and the other GED recipients.

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