Are Expensive Balanced Interconnects Necessary?

Clearly, single ended interconnects yield sound benefits as you move up a manufacturers product line, but do balanced cables yield the same improvement?


Showing 3 responses by ditusa

 For example, with ARC balanced preamps, you'll get 6 dB more level using it in balanced mode.

I think that's because AES48 compliant was ignored by ARC when they designed the balanced circuit in their preamps.  I'm not picking on ARC, I'm just saying. See the articles below:



I do believe that cables matter.  I want to put more money into my phono amplifier and spend more on my RCAs from the turntable and less on the XLR phono preamp to preamp.

Good plan!


I believe the answer is no if your two components are truly balanced.

I agree they must be truly balanced and AES48 compliant. See article below:
