I have been an audiophile the last 20 years for the last 5 years I have worked with Infigo Audio as my industry affiliation.  It’s been my experience in business and audio conversations that there are 2 areas that are interesting. When giving opinions many audiophiles try to come off smarter than the people they are talking to. Also in conflict resolution if you have disagreements they are more willing to go to extremes. Has anyone else experienced this.  Some seem like they can tell you what to do? How to post etc. which to me is crazy. Most of us are 30, 40, 50, 60,70 plus.  Thoughts everyone?


Showing 2 responses by czarivey

Recently I came across the meaning of "wine connoisseur", the person that would follow strict rules of tasting wine from cork poppin to pouring certain way then indulging.

I prefer to drink from bottle-neck right after cork is popped till the bottle is dry instead or scoop it right from the barrel of winery and do nearly same. That’s how you get REAL taste of wine, not that itsy-bitsy indulging "designed and socially engineered" for expensive wines.

Same way audiophiles live off the socially engineered products.


They always try to justify gullibility of their unreasonable spending on audio equipment and get sensitive when anyone outside tries to prove wrong.