Arcam AVR20 vs. Denon AVR-a110 anniversary edition...

As the title suggests, I am looking for feedback on these two specific AVR’s... I currently have the Arcam, and I love it’s musicality in my setup, which is mostly used for two channel audio. I have had Pass Labs preamps in my rig with Carver Raven 350 power amps in the past, but having a family means trying to get the most out of my rig while taking up less space.

The Arcam is a great piece for that purpose, but I am currently on my 4th one in just a year. Reliability has been their downfall. I have an opportunity to trade for the Denon pretty much even on the dollar side of things, and was hoping someone here might be able to offer e bit of insight as to what the anniversary Denon sounds like. I know they are highly regarded in HT, but I am curious as th how they compare to the Arcam in stereo operation. My speakers are Polk Audio L800’s and sources are Yamaha CDS2100, streaming audio from computer, and soon a Pro-Ject P6.1 turntable that I am restoring....

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xnooshinjohn

Me neither, but they are very neutral and transparent (probably why they’re used in recording studios) so were very good at clearly revealing the differences between the AVRs I compared. 

@nooshinjohn how would you compare the sound of the AVR20 to the 30 in to two channels?  Curious, because will need to replace my AVR400 someday.

@soix we will just have to disagree on Arcam versus Yamaha AVRs for two channel listening.  I listened to both through multiple speakers and found the Arcam sounded like music to me while the Yamaha sounded like hifi.  YMMV


I would not know really... I never used either one for powering my main speakers, as I have a set of tube amps I use for my mains. That said, there is no difference in the preamp sections of the AVR20 and AVR30. They sound exactly the same. If you intend on using the amplification, I would go with the class G that the AVR30 provides. If you want to use just the preamp portions and run your own amps, then I would go with an AV40 or AV41.