Yes thanks, I am aware of this. The oem 67000uF main filter caps are no longer available. Same story with the D240 MkII. The D200 & D300 are still serviceable, i believe, but I’ve read that they use a different (sonically inferior) circuit design.
I’d considered looking at an SD135 or HD220, but apparently their Thermaltrak trannies had a defect that can sent the unit into thermal shutdown.
And even if I was inclined toward an older class D amp (I’m not), the DS series amps can’t be serviced due to the unavailability of their Tripath class D modules.
ARC solid state looks like a bloody orphanage lol.
Fortunately the caps in my amp tested at spec when I bought it, and I read in another thread that a guy had had good luck with aftermarket caps installed by an independent tech. So there’s that.