AR3a speakers connected in another on, if you wish....

Based on another well known poster here, Helomech, from several months ago, who purchased a mint pair of large Advents from yesteryear, and, is thrilled with them, I decided to pull out of storage, my dad’s AR3a speakers, which I acquired, after his passing ( I miss you, dad, so much, RIP ). I lived with these speakers when I was growing up. I, however, owned Klipsch Cornwalls, during this same time, and was a declared Klipsch Heritage junkie, as some here, might know about me. Getting back to Helomech, whom I’ve had a few interactions with here, about some of the claims he was making about his Advents, and why he preferred them over some others, which, I still question. However, after a few months of listening to these ( I upgraded the crossover components ), and pairing a nice, proper amp to them from my collection, I believe I understand what Helo’s experience has been, although maybe, for different reasons. I owned, back in the day, stacked Advents, and know them well. I owned a lot of gear ( still do, but much less than in earlier times ), and was exposed to so much, as I became involved with, and made audio, a career, as well as being a hifi junkie, and of course, an avid music listener ( I was a singer in my earlier days as well ). Moving ahead to today, I am finding the ARs, not to be remarkable in any specific way, as I so much, still prefer my highly modified Lascalas ( and admittedly, my modified Heresy IIs, which occupied this particular room ), but, have to admit, the ARs, do draw me in, to the music, as they are very polite, smooth, warm, coherent, have excellent, taught bass, and well, allows me to listen to them for hours. They are not dynamic, fast, highly detailed, modern sounding transducers, but have a certain magic to them. It is possible, listening to them, I am reminded of my dad, as he listened to his big band, swing, and all of the vocal greats from that period ( I also have his record collection, but sold my collection, in 2016, which is for another discussion ). Anyway, what I do find with the ARs, is that poor recordings, especially many modern recordings, sound nice on them, as they mask some of the deficiencies inherent in them, such as poor miking, improper equalization, compression, etc., in many recordings that I love, for the music, which my main system magnifies. Anyway, wanted to get this out there, as many threads and posts are appearing, about older equipment being as good as new, and, progress has not been made in the evolution of audio equipment, etc. What it all boils down to, and I have said this so many times in my posts. It is a very personal and individualistic hobby, ymmv, and only you ( I ), can know what you ( I ) like, and want, in a system, and this " being better than that ", is BS, when the only thing that counts, is, " our own " interpretations, of what music should sound like. Enjoy ! MrD.
Wow, MrD. nice story. In 1969, I was 19-20, I heard my 1st high end system that got me hooked. AR XA TT, Dynaco  PAS 3 & St-70, AR3a speakers. Sounded wonderful to me. Can't believe what a pair of these sell for now.
Wow, Mrd. nice story. I wonder if anyone else would like to share a similar experience....