Apple TV vs. Apple Mini

I am currently running a couple of Apple TV's with external DAC's as well as one Airport Express connected to powered speakers using the analog out on that device.

In the Amarra vs. Pure Music thread, I noted that I can't get Pure Music to play wirelessly. It made me wonder how great a sonic advantage running a Mac Mini to a USB Dac (I have a PS Audio DAC III connected via Wireworld toslink in one system)

I love the video aspects of the Apple TV and its interface with iTunes, but wondered how much I am missing. I have a couple of reasonably high resolving systems (McIntosh MA 6900, Martin Logan Ascets/Descent sub, Synergistic Research cabling in one system, Magunm Dynalab MD 208 Receiver, EPOS M5's, Kimber cables in the other).

I could use an iPod with Remote to control both.

Worth the bother? Any way to preserve the video interface while controlling iTunes?

Showing 3 responses by bbopman

Thanks for the comments. It seems like neither Amarra or Pure Sound are compatible with ATV; hence my interest in the Mini.

The grass always seems greener etc.

Thanks for your replies.
Banyon100: Thanks for your reply. My main rig has a 60 inch Sony attached that I use with the Apple TV. Could you elaborate a bit on connecting the Mini to the TV? As you can gather, I am not much of a techie.

Sounds like a great solution.