Apple TV Streaming Sound Quality vs Streamer?

I am looking for the weak link to improve sound quality.   Seems logical it is the Apple TV as a source.  Would a moderate streamer inside of $1500 make much of a difference when streaming Tidal and the like?  

Current Equipment:
Speaker: Dali Euphonia MS-4
AMP: Modwright KWA 150 SE
Preamp/ DAC: Peachtree Grand Integrated
Source: Tidal / Apple TV

Streaming is FLAC files so far, so it will never be quite as good as wav files.  The difference I hear with wav files is soundstage and high-frequency reflections off the venue.  Whether you will hear this difference depends on your system.

I personally like owning my content rather than renting it, however it is nice to have access to a lot of new material.

If you stay with a transport and DAC, at least lower the jitter by adding a good reclocker in the coax cable, like the Synchro-Mesh.  8psec of measured jitter.

If you go with a streamer, it is critically important to get low jitter.  The kind of imaging and soundstage you are wanting has everything to do with extremely low jitter.

Here is a renderer that gets you to ~10psec at all sample-rates from 44.1-192:

See the plots at the end of the posts.  If you find one that achieves lower than this at the end of a 4 foot coax cable, I'd like to know about it.


Steve N.

Empirical Audio

Recently added the Cambridge CXN V2 streamer:

I'm playing back via Tidal and have been pleasantly surpised at the sound quality.  I mainly listen to LPs, but wanted to have access to the extensive libraries available on TIDAL.  

Integrated Amp: Belles Aria
Speakers: B&W 705 S2
Turntable: Clearaudio with Ortofon 2m Black
Steve N:  I agree with your assessment regarding my apparent inability to distinguish between "hearing jitter" and "not hearing jitter".  If "less jitter" means more accurate spatial clues, then I may have quite a way to go with my room acoustics before I can appreciate lower jitter levels.   I am also curious about going direct from DAC to amp.

It is also entirely possible I simply have not experienced "low jitter" playback.  All of my experimenting with digital playback has involved either a Mac>optical out>DAC or an AEX/ATV>optical out>DAC.

Any suggestions for a cheap "low jitter" solution?
Maybe someone should design a high quality AirPlay DAC....?  Hmmmm....

What are some of you using, planning to use, to replace the AirPort Express?  For those of you using AirPlay only and don’t want/need additional features.
