Apple Airport Express Very Cool Product

Just wanted to share my experience with this product. I have become a big fan of my iPod and using iTunes and just received my Airport express and it is awesome! Setup was not exactly as easy as you would think but I finally figured it out. The Sound Quality is similair to the iPod but the mult-room and flexibility of this is worth the sacrafice! Anyway, if you are using itunes check it out..


Showing 4 responses by kennyt

I understand it can send a digital signal. Is this true?? If so has anyone tried it with it running through a DAC to your system with your CD's encoded @ 44.1kHz???

If it works OK, and doesn't eat up all the bandwith of the wireless router, I will likely be putting one into my system. Otherwise, the iPod is for vacations and traveling in the car sometimes, CD's will be kept for home use.
I went to buy one from Comp USA, only to find out they didn't have the necessary cables....

So I ordered it from MacMall, should be here by the end of the week, with cables, I'll play with the one and decide how many I want...

FWIW I can't wait for it to come!

Hopefully my amps and sub will be back from recall Saturday and I can spend the day setting up the system and listeni
Well, i got mine today setup today, and as you said, not as staraight forward as typical Apple stuff, especially as I use a D-Link router....fortunately I have an Apple store nearby for support....

Well, I've set it up and streamed some AIFF files so far I don't notyice any inturruption in the rest of the wireless network.... If it pans out, and I suspect it wil, I'll add another for the living room, and re-code all my CD's as AIFF or possibly Apple lossless compression and use an external HD as a digital music server!!!! Fun Fun, Fun!!!

I can't wait to play with it somemore, and also can't wait for Apple to allow you to stream to several at once, and ideally with different feeds! They will really be cool then!!!!

I am running mine via the toslink cable...from the $39 cable pack you need to buy ;( directly to the digital in on a receiver in my bedroom, and it works well, I've not done any critiacl listening to really establish HOW good it is, but from what I gather, it is giving a digital feed, so I don't see why you couldn't use it directly to a DAC as well, sincce this is basically what I'm doing with it, only using the DAC in the receiver.

I hope they get the software to the point that I can run several with different feeds, or at least feed something to multiple units simultaneously.