Apogee Duetta Signature Series II - Upgrade Recommendations

Hi All,

Big dilemma. UPS dropped my left speaker very hard in transit and now there is a buzz at certain low frequencies in the bass panel. I’ve spoken to both Rich at True Sound Works and Bill Thalmann at Music Technology. I see my options as spending around $4,500 to replace/upgrade the ribbon and bass tweeters/(magnets) with Graz (and replace the acoustic foam). The overall sound will be improved while, as I understand it, staying true to the original sound. My other option is to more piecemeal start by upgrading the bass unit on both speakers with the goal in the end of building Duetta Ultimates. However, this route also means they are being re-engineered. Input from anyone with real world experience with both or one of these upgrade paths is greatly appreciated, even if with a different model such as the Diva or Scintilla. I’m very weary of losing that magic of these speakers I grew up with, something that Apogee owners know so well (my dad was the first and only owner since ‘88 until I finally acquired them about 5 months ago). Here is my current system for reference...

Showing 1 response by parker65310

I appreciate the input. I’m having a hard time visualizing what you are referring to and how you fixed it exactly. Please elaborate.
Some background info - My left panel that has this issue is actually not flush with the shell because of rough handling by UPS. Also, a stress sliver of the mdf on the top edge where the panel meets the shell now exists. Luckily, it consists of three slivers that I’m able to pop back in. So, that in itself isn’t a huge issue I can’t live with for now. It does, though, illustrate what must have happened.