Apartment Drama

Hi- I recently moved from my house to a 2nd floor apt with 1 apt on each side and 1 below. 3pm today I turned my stereo on for the 1st time. Low volume IMO. Hard to describe but no problem having a conversation without even raising my voice. within 10 minutes my neighbor knocked on my door acting irratated demanding I turn the volume down. WTF? Now what. Do I have any rights or do I have to obey this jerk?

Showing 1 response by jedinite24

When I lived in an apartment the issue I had was with my subwoofer. It drove my neighbors a little batty so I turned down the bass a tad and then put thick carpets under it. I also changed the placement a little bit. Also like Onhwy61 said what decibel level are you listening at?

Another thing to make peace with your neighbor is to maybe invite them for a listening session. Have them bring over some music they enjoy and listen together over a couple of beers.