Anything SS sounds better than D'Agostino ?

I never heard his amps, but some writers say just that - nothing transistor sounds better.
What do you think ? 
I listened on youtube a few systems with D'Agostino amps and preamps and liked a lot what I heard.

@bpoletti I just picked up a pair of M1s and am really enjoying them.  Nice to see another owner.  I couldn't find much information about them when I bought them and threw the dice based on Keith's reputation.  I've heard the Momentum M300 monoblocks and they were something special and the casework was a thing of beauty.  I love the M1s but I would definitely trade them for a pair of the M300s and have zero regrets.
Linn Klimax Solos.  Are they "better" than D'Ags (or other high-end SS amps)?  Pretty sure there's no objective answer to that question (as others have already said).  I tried them coming off a Mac that weighed more than a crate engine (the MC303), and the results were night and day (to my ears).  Never looked back....   
That’s because it was the MC303! It’s a great theater amplifier but unfortunately, it doesn’t cut the mustard compare to the MC352, MC462, MC602, MC2301 tube Monoblock, MC2000 Tube Stereo, MC2102 tube, MC272 tube, MC501 Monoblock, MC601 Monoblock, MC611 Monoblock, MC1.2KW - MC1.25KW Monoblock, or the mighty MC2KW Monoblock amplifiers. Sorry, these are just in a different league even within there own brand.