anyone with a 'system' near me?

Maybe this has already been though of, but a recent ad of someone selling their equipment in my geographic area has inspired this idea: I think it would be great if we could locate fellow audiophiles living nearby so we would be able get together and listen to each others' systems. I think it would be great fun and very educational. For myself, I sometimes feel like I'm the only person around with the passion, but I'm sure there are others living close by who feel the same. This concept could grow into organized clubs, where groups can get together, and even organize events and visits to other groups in nearby (or distant) locals. Heck, there are Harley clubs; why not Audiophile clubs? There could even be alliances like the Audio Researcher's and the Kreller's, and we could do shoot-outs of one group's best system vs other's. We could arrange conventions where we set systems up and have blind listening test contests...The possibilities are limitless! I'd be willing to bet that merchants would love to attend events like this and possibly offer discount prices on their products for those attending such conventions. I don't have any formal plan yet to get the ball rolling, but a brainstorming session would be a great way to start. Hopefully, this thread will get things started, and then this could be moved into a new thread category, specifically for the purpose of bringing fellow individual audiophiles and groups/clubs together? What do you think?

Showing 3 responses by ohlala

We could wear black leather jackets with flaming amps on the back and shakedown local audio salons. Getting together is cool, but i'll pass on the alliances and competitions. It's good to think big sometimes, though.
I think the directory is great idea, then the respective locals could meet and make arrangements in sort of a more natural, go at your own pace way. For anyone interested (especially you ladies), I live in Dallas.