Anyone Using Crystals?

Are any members using crystals in their systems? If so, how are you using them to get good results?

Showing 6 responses by asvjerry

Particle Accelerator ion guns....personally I find phasers more effective when getting offensive in rush hour traffic...and less mess for the county to clean up...*smirk*

Crystals....this smacks of putting razor blades under pyramids to sharpen them or keep them such.  Ionizing a room doesn't strike me as terribly healthy either.  Plasma speakers do just that, and although nifty to hear and conceptually interesting (point source, and all that...), I'd only do it in a very well ventilated room.....

Ionized air in nature occurs around strong thunderstorms.  I've had the privilege to be a witness and behold such, just before a bolt struck +/- 100 yards away.  Granted, that was positive ions I felt.  Negative ions do have noted better qualities, and follow such events.  I chalked that up to not being struck....

Long term exposure to negative, suggested by MD's for depression...might be useful if your current system depresses you. *L*  That could lead one to think that such an application 'makes things sound better' if only between one's ears and not in reality....

Waterfalls generate negative ions, which may be a reason we humans find them delightful to be around.  Not a practical thing to have in one's listening space however....

One could buy a NI generator....would it induce 'noise' into the AC current?  Dunno...but you are messing with a high voltage widget, much like fluorescent or neon lamps...

'Ell, give it a go, let us know what happens....

The only other crystals beyond the benign ones (salts, diamonds, etc.) is crystal meth which should be avoided unless you'd like to avoid sleep, think you need to get a lot done, and want to thrash yourself in the process...
OK, so I got 'overamped', But...any effect crystals might have would be very localized, as in the crystals themselves.  They won't act like a sponge in a larger volume.
RF is an electron excitation....photons are light 'carriers'.  If we could 'see' RF, right now you'd be in a very dense fog considering all the signals we humans create these days....
I'm a pretty diehard skeptic when it comes to when it comes to claims of 'this, that, and the other' made from or for various things touted to us as a interest group and in the general marketplace.  'Snake Oil' is still a popular's just wrapped in a different package.  It still is designed to transfer $ from one hand to another...;)
...and I'm still in the shallow end of my pool when it comes to being 'cranky' about 'things', and the claims about such....
*L*  Well, we've obviously hit another of those 'MHO' walls...

You're right, geo....with the right 'viewer', one can 'see' RF. UV, EMF, and on through the alphabet soup of contractions.  If would be fascinating to set up a space to attempt to view the effect that crystals, brilliant or no, would have on audio wavefronts....

I'm just an annoying skeptic about claims made about 'things'....we live in an ad-verse world where claims are made about nearly anything that are intended to drive the product into our hands and the cash out of our pockets.   This car, that hair product, our beer, your health or lack of it....

".....I'm a nasty, narrow-minded jade...You think that I might smile at it, I'm not a weak-willed hypocrite....I'll say...I'm Bored."

*L*  Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band, song by that name....

Not to belittle you, or anyone else about their perceptions about anything they hear regarding anything they're using to create such.  I just may not notice it....due to bad ears, bad brain, bad attitude, or just drank the wrong Kool-Aid and didn't get religion....

Sorry...lets' go have a beer and discuss how damn annoying reality is.  No one seems to get that right, either...IMHO...;)
...and we all start edging into the surreal....

Geo, you're absolutely Right.  As a skeptic, I ought to investigate...IF interested, which I'm not so much.   Given my 'listening space', which is light years from being 'optimal' (you'd be appalled, really), I do what I can with it...

I don't 'get' the 'religious aspect' of the discussion mentioned, but faith is a wonderful thing in general as long as one doesn't opt for the 'ISIS approach".  Bombing and beheading the opposition into compliance in regard to one's audio tastes might be an option but let's leave that to the 'cable and interconnect' crowd.  They seem a bit more 'religious' about it...

Yes, the previous Does drip enormous amounts of sarcasm....sorry about the stains on your monitors.   Windex....;)

(Maybe I should just toss it and become a pro troll....I do suspect that some would rather stuff my keyboard into an appropo orifice and hope for an early and quiet end to my 'absurdvations'...*sly S*)

"It's all too much...."   
...who's going to clean up all the fur that's on the floor here? ;)

But, please....carry Fox or MSNBC  (that ought to cover That...) *G*
Now, that's scary....Vampire Wire...hard core audiologists hanging around  clinics, sidling up to potential clients....

"Hey, buddy...what to make Real Money?"

Desiccated corpses found nearby, drained like raisins....all in search of that last nuance, that last db....