Anyone using Coincident Total or Super Eclipse

Somewhere between Seattle Washington and Eugene Oregon? I'm in Tacoma and would like to hear these speakers.
i have the partial eclipses right now mated with tubes and am very pleased.imagine the more expensive eclipses would be even better.
Super Eclipse IIIs are highly overrated IMHO. In my system, they sounded like a competent 2K speaker. You can do much better for the money.

with tubes you'll be in heaven with alot of options amplification-wise,,,,,,,,enjoy
I may buy either Super Eclipse IIIs or Totals without hearing them first. Having read owners's comments I feel confident I'd like them. Dan, Mike and Metralla, did you ever try Coincident speaker wires and how did they compare to any others you used?
I like my Series II Supers - almost 5 years now and still a pleasure. Sorry Jeff ss, I'm in the Bay Area.

Israel Blume is working on a new top line speaker according to Salvatore. You can read about it on Arthur's site.

This does not answer your question, but I had a pair of Supers and sold them and have kicked myself every day since. FWIW.
If you ever get a chance to travel to St.Louis, Mo.
I would be happy to let you listen to my Total Eclipse
speakers. For me they were a purchase I've never