Anyone use solar power?

I have been looking into getting solar power installed on my roof. I am wondering if anyone here has done that and how it affects the sound of your system. Any experience in this area you can share will be greatly appreciated.

Showing 3 responses by zd542

I have a Canon calculator that works off of solar and have no complaints. Everything just adds up with it. They now make wireless computer keyboards now that are solar powered, and I'm almost ready to pull the trigger on one. If I do, I'll report back with the results.
"03-27-15: Terrybbagit
I am using solar and don't notice any difference in the sound when its running on the solar or on the grid."

That's because you didn't get audiophile grade solar panels, along with some high end power cords to run from the panels to your system.
"03-28-15: Brownsfan
Zd, surely all natural,organic,sustainable electrons must have a sonic advantage. How can you not see this?"

Because you need to use audiophile grade electrons. You can't just throw any type of electrons into your system if you expect it to sound good.