Anyone use Naim with Zu?

Hey all, quick question...anyone try Naim gear with Zu? Looking to pair a Uniti Nova possibly with Omen Defs. Any impressions would be great, thanks!

Naim and Zu should be a good match.  I have not heard them together explicitly but wold be shocked if they don't work well together.  Naim gear tends to be warm and Zu performs well with warm amps.  

I have run Zu Essences with multiple Art Audio Amps and Marantz and found warmer sound profile of the those amps to be a good match.  
Hey there RyanMartinson. Did you end up pairing NAIM & the ZU Omens?  If so, how are things working out?
I have a pair of Omen Defs and every amp I have thrown at it sounds really good. Even an old Pioneer Elite Receiver that I had used for a bit in between purchases. The only thing I would caution with high sensitivity speakers (like the Zu's) is super high output amps paired with the preamps. Tube hiss will be much more of a factor. Even the newer McIntosh "hybrid" integrated may have a bit too much gain for the Zu's