Anyone upgrade from a Loricraft to ultrasonic record cleaning?

Is this a worthy upgrade? I'm hoping for an audible difference.
Thanks! This looks like some great reading and could be a project that I'd really enjoy. 
Yes - I used a Loricraft PRC-3 for many years, largely with AIVS cleaning solutions. The combination makes for a very good system that gets records clean although the process is lengthy with multiple steps and it’s kinda messy. I still have my Loricraft, but it’s boxed up.

You can read about my use of the PRC-3 with AIVS here:

I tried the AudioDesk cleaner that uses both brushes and mild ultrasonic action. It worked pretty well without any problems, though eventually I sold it.

Instead of going back to the Loricraft, I built my own USC cleaner. It was pretty straightforward to put together with parts available on the Web and my first version was less money than the commercial single-slot desktop cleaners. It will clean up to 6 records in about the time it took me to clean 2 on the Loricraft and it actually does a better job.

I wrote three articles on my adventures in USC land. You can read them here:



I have both a Loricraft and a Kirmuss. The process using the Kirmuss is lengthy but I get better results compared to the Loricraft.