Anyone try Supra LoRad 2.5 PCs?

I'm thinking of giving these a try as I'm still using stock power cords (I know, I know). I'm sure there will be an improvement but wondering if anyone has tried these and how they may compare to some other PCs out there. As always, thanks for thoughts.
Thanks Daveyf. Looks like I'll go all LoRad 2.5s with Wattgates and see how it works out. Incidentally, what kind of differences did you notice versus the Diamondbacks and any others (i.e. stock, etc.) you may have tried? Have you tried it on a preamp, CDP, DAC? If so how did it do in those applications? Thanks again.
Soix, I haven't tried the Lorad on any other component. All of my other gear uses 15 amp iec's and I have dedicated power cords for those pieces.
Compared to the Diamondback, the Lorad was a lot quieter and seemed to bring the bottom end to life more with a clarity that the Diamondback couldn't match. Compared to stock, that's where the dividends really came into play, a nice improvement across the board.
I just built two double-run ("shotgun") PCs out of LoRad 2.5 with Furutech Edison and IEC connectors (FI-25M-N1, FI-25). The shotgun construction gave me the equivalent of 9 AWG wire. I'm using them for a Cambridge Audio Azur 840C CD player and a Perreaux SM6 MKII preamp. The PCs now have about 25 hours on them.

The improvement over stock PCs was apparent immediately, and the improvement was dramatic. The improvement was on all dimensions -- spatialization, dynamics, timbre and definition.

I completed the work on the PCs at about 2:30am one morning, started listening immediately, and was so pleased with the result that I stayed up listening to various tracks for another hour. I should have taken some time to burn in the cables, but I was impatient.

I was most impressed with the difference in the clarity in renditions of complex orchestral music -- e.g., Solti's Chicago Symphony performance of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony. Before installing these cables I had a slight "muddle in the middle" ranges of complex passages with rapid transients -- this despite numerous upgrades in ICs and mods to my vintage Polk Audio SRSs. These prior improvements had significantly reduced the "muddle," but did not completely eliminate it. Installation of the Supra LoRad 2.5 PCs appears to have eliminated it.

I can't say how single runs would work, but this particular shotgun build with LoRad 2.5 produced a great result for me, far better than I expected. I also found the cable much easier to work with than other 9-12 AWG cable.
I quite like this cable - it's neutral and fine.

The Supra connectors are limiting, but then it seems out of whack to use the LoRad with expensive Furutechs. As a cable, I think it's a great budget choice.
I have said this before in another thread, the Supra Lorad 2.5 is the best cable I have come across for removing RF from my computer PC box, but for AV systems it is not good.

If you are in this price range, stretch to $150 for the Cabledyne copper ribbon power cable. It's substantially better in every respect for both audio and video.

I recently went back to pre and amp separates after using an integrated for a long time. I was short a cable, so used the Supra Lorad on the pre-amp. Once another Cabledyne was shipped to me, fresh out the box - it was much better.

This experience reconfirms the A-B testing I did with the Supra Lorad years ago, its just not that good.