anyone try powered Mackie Hd1531 for home use?

Tired of tough to drive speakers and limited SPL levels so gonna audition these and see how it sounds. Anyone with experience? Thanks

Showing 7 responses by chadnliz

I put down deposit today...grabbing them Monday. They sounded great with Tom Petty's Mojo....Black Mountains track Duncan.....The Melvin's Revolver...even compressed Slacker Radio sounded good on my Galaxy Note 3. My VMPS FF3 SRE speakers have a issue with panels and Brian's death really makes it hard to repair but they are bi amp with active bass crossover so I am gonna pull planar wings off and just use them for bass to see how it works. Stands will get figured out in quick order once set up. I am excited for what may be. Vertical and horizontal dispersion was pretty good...nice slam and ofcourse reasonably limitless SPL levels. Smoother sound than most probably tube pre should make it even better. Will report more and thanks kindly for ideas!
I'm still evaluating them, bass is plenty strong with no need for solid state pre mates better than my tube unit. The midrange and treble really sound good, I think the weakness is of course cabinet bracing but these are intended to be portable. More to come.
No regrets on the JBL PRX735's I like most everything about them, they don't image like normal audiophile speakers but that's not really what gets me. I get great bass, no fatigue, unlimited volume in a cheap package. Solid state works better than tubes to my ears, For $2000 I can sell of $6000 in used priced gear, pocket a few bucks and end up happy. Cheers