Anyone try Mogami Neglex for balanced interconnect

This seems to be a solidly engineered cable at a very reasonable price- 2 m pair under $90. While not one of the usual "audiophile" brands I wonder if anyone's used this and if so, what were your results? Does it stand up to cables costing far more? I've been under the impression for a while that with balanced IC's, as long as the cable is of good quality (always heard Mogami is good quality)and the connectors are good (ie, Neutrik) and the construction is solid, paying more isn't really going to get you anything.

Showing 1 response by spinaker01

Great sounding cable - particularly in balanced configuration. I would think that you would be looking at 10x the amount to get a noticeable improvement. Chances are good that your favorite albums were recorded with these in the signal chain somewhere.