Anyone try KT 120 Tubes in Primaluna Dialogue?

I was talking to Upscale Audio today and was informed that the KT 120 tube can be used in the Primaluna. Has anyone here used these tubes in the Primaluna? How does it sound? I'd like to receive impressions. I own a PL Dialogue One and thinking about pairing them with Tekton Lores. What say you good folks?

Showing 1 response by samzx12

Ben the KT120 works just fine in the Dialogue Premium Integrated as I have used them in mine with no problem. The KT150 works also. Do a search here on Audiogon as there are a few threads covering the 120 and 150. I see no reason why they wouldn't work in the amp. Also you could email Upscale Audio as they are the importer of PrimaLuna.  Hope this helps.
