Anyone tried the Ortofon Concorde century Cartridge?

I am able to get a great deal on a new one. I know the 40th anniversary model is based on the ortofon Blue. However, I'm not certain what the century model is based on. KAB does a combo with sys40 stylus that is basically a Ortofon Black. 

The silver looks nice with a Technics 1200 GR (my TT). 

Any thoughts?

Showing 1 response by lewm

What's next to argue about?  If I were to hazard a guess, this post would be deleted.  Anyway, Chakster's woofer is bigger than my woofer.

Quite apart from the arguments about who is more expert and who has nicer stuff or bigger woofers, I can honestly say that I was never fully aware that Chakster is a "seller".  He has candidly mentioned on one or two or more occasions that he is planning to sell this or that (as we all do from time to time), but I do not think of him as being "in the business".  The one or two times that I have seen items for sale on eBay that resemble items recently touted here by Chakster, he has denied being the seller, in response to my direct questions.  It makes no difference to me one way or the other, but I do think that persons who are "sellers", meaning those who are actively selling an item that he or she has been praising in the forum discussions, ought to self identify.